7 Things You’ll Need To Start Blogging

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7 Things You’ll Need To Start Blogging

Now that you’ve decided to start a blog, it’s time to gather the equipment you’ll need to get started. While you can technically blog from anywhere – even your smartphone – there are some essential pieces of equipment that will make the process easier to produce better results. Like any business you also need to know how to creatively market it and drive buzz generation so using a company to help you with this is a must. If you are working in the culinary niche sector for instance then use Bolda, it’s important to choose people who understand your market!

Here Is Everything You’ll Need:


You’ll need a computer. This can be a desktop, laptop, or even a tablet, here it should be something you’re comfortable writing on for long periods of time. If you plan on including pictures or videos in your posts, you’ll also need a way to edit and format them before publishing. Here’s a possible solution for you to get the quality content you seek.

Internet connection

Next, you’ll need some sort of internet connection. This is important because you’ll need to upload your content to the web in order to share it with the world. A broadband connection is ideal, but you can get by with a slower connection if necessary. Did you know Airband, rural fibre broadband provider in the UK, have released an article about the cost of living and how they can help get better broadband, at lower prices? In fact, they’ve designed their latest, cheapest package, Fibre 40, to help people who might be eligible, get just as great broadband speeds.

A microphone

If you want to do audio or video content for your blog, you’ll need a decent microphone. There are many different types of microphones available, so do some research to find one that will work well for the type of content you want to create.

Good quality camera

You will need a good quality camera. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to go out and buy the latest and greatest DSLR; a decent point-and-shoot will do just fine. However, your phone’s camera probably won’t cut it if you’re planning on doing any serious blogging.


You will need a tripod. This is especially important if you plan on doing any video blogging, but it can also be helpful for taking pictures. Tripods help to keep your camera steady, which is important for getting clear and sharp images.

Editing software

You will need some sort of editing software. If you’re planning on doing any video blogging, then you’ll definitely need something like FlexClip. However, even if you’re just planning on doing written blogging, it’s still a good idea to have some sort of word processing program so that you can format your posts nicely.

Blogging platform

You’ll need a blogging platform. This is what will host your content and make it available to readers. There are many different platforms to choose from, so take some time to research your options before making a decision. 

Once you’ve selected a platform, create an account and start creating content! If you want to make money from your blog, self-hosting is the way to go. This gives you more control over your content and allows you to monetize your site with ads or affiliate links. 

Either way, you will need to choose a blogging platform and a domain name before you can start publishing your content. Once you have everything set up, writing and publishing your first blog post is easy!

In Closing

So there you have it: a few key pieces of equipment that you’ll need to get started blogging. Of course, there are other things that you may want to consider as well, but these are the basics that you’ll need to get started.


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