The End Of The Summer Term 2024!

The End Of The Summer Term 2024! Well, here we are, the end of another school year and yet again I wonder how time manages to race so fast. Posie started nursery this last term and the end of it also spells the end of Jimmy’s first year at high school! How?! My little boy was off to the big wide world of high school this time last year and now he’s done a whole year with a rather dramatic […]

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May Half Term 2024!

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May Half Term 2024! Well, half term couldn’t have come quicker this year. A week in hospital for Jimmy threw the term time into one we really wanted to kiss goodbye to, and with a week of exams before the holidays came, it was definitely time for a proper rest. I wanted to have a mix of all my usual chaos but with some down time because Jimmy really needed that. In fact, so did Florence after working so hard […]

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Pensthorpe In May 2024!

Pensthorpe In May 2024! Pensthorpe has been one of our favourite places to visit ever since Florence was a baby. It gifts the perfect day out with something g for everyone and Iver the years I’ve seen their offerings just get better and better. The play areas, for a prime example, have transformed in the last 14 years making Pensthorpe potentially one of the most brilliant places to take children in the UK. Be it an indoor romp in Hootz […]

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Posie Starts Nursery!

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Posie Starts Nursery! Three minutes ago, or so it feels, Posie was born and I was holding her tiny, beautiful hand as I fed her on the constant and gazed at her perfect face every second of every day. The three seconds actually, as it turns out, is three years and though that feels impossible, here we are. I’m still holding her tiny hand and still gazing at her perfect face as I feed her in what feels like on […]

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Dearest Jimmy – You Are Twelve!

Dearest Jimmy – You Are Twelve! Dearest Jimmy, You are twelve! TWELVE! It doesn’t feel like it could possibly be twelve years since you were born in the living room but here we are and at twelve you are utterly fabulous! Quirky and kind and full of interesting facts! You throw yourself into everything, from sports to learning and we are so super proud of you! You love an argument (maybe not your best trait, but then you are mine) […]

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Easter Holidays 2024!

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Easter Holidays 2024! I love Easter, it’s like a promise of warmth and sunshine with it all still to come. And you get to celebrate with family but there’s not a massive expectation, or mountains of work like at Christmas. I mean, I love ALL the holidays but this one really does gift something special I think! It’s also two weeks, which is my main ingredient for any holiday, one is never enough! You only get to just about unwind […]

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The End Of The Lent/Spring Term 2024!

The End Of The Lent/Spring Term 2024! I say it all the time about time going to fast but this past term seems to have gone even faster than usual. Maybe because it was the last term before Posie is to start nursery and will be away from me for two and a half days, maybe that’s it? Seems crazy because it was only a tiny while ago Raffie was going to start and Posie had only just been born. […]

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MOT On Safari With eBay UK!

MOT On Safari With eBay UK! On Friday we headed to Woburn Safari Park with eBay, who invited me to come and spend the day with them on safari while they gave my car a pre-MOT, MOT! Why?! Well, you may not know but eBay actually have a whole department dedicated to motor parts which means practically everything you might need to fix your car and make it MOT worthy can be bought (brand new I might add) from their […]

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A Family Weekend In Liverpool!

A Family Weekend In Liverpool! What would draw my family to Liverpool? Well, as if this really needs to be asked, the football of course! Jimmy is a massive Liverpool fan and Raffie has followed suit (much to Jonny’s chagrin) so they’ve wanted to watch a game at Anfield Park in forever. The tickets to home games however, are extortionate and you seem to have to jump through millions of hoops to get them. So, when the Legends game came […]

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Easter At Pensthorpe – 2024!

Easter At Pensthorpe – 2024! Will we be visiting Pensthorpe Natural Park, one of our favourite places this coming Easter holiday?! Well, of course! Pensthorpe has always been a staple in our school holiday calendar (it’s a staple all year round actually) and this coming break is no exception! Pensthorpe is the perfect mix of wholesome, outdoorsy exercise (needed with four children all fuelled with energy to burn) and fun play both inside and out. You absolutely don’t need children […]

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