The 10 Greatest Rock Stars Of All Time

The 10 Greatest Rock Stars Of All Time Rock music is not just a genre, it is an entire era that has influenced millions of people around the world, much like gambling in Sharpgambler. Since its inception in the mid-20th century, rock has become a symbol of freedom, rebellion and self-expression. It has penetrated the hearts of millions of listeners, left an indelible mark on culture and art, becoming an integral part of popular culture. Rock stars became idols and […]

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Is Being Unpleasant In The Dentist Job Description?

Is Being Unpleasant In The Dentist Job Description? Over Christmas I had unfortunate cause to visit my dentist on an emergency basis. After the decimation of dentistry (in particular) within the NHS, we now have a private medical plan with our old NHS dentist who could no longer sustain the government contract. They had no choice but to move their practice into a private healthcare only setting and I don’t blame them, I blame the Conservatives. However, it’s pretty choppy […]

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The Predator Isn’t Always A Celebrity!

Posted in Lifestyle, Opinion

The Predator Isn’t Always A Celebrity! In a week which has seen yet another celebrity in the news for his alleged sexual assault on women I am reminded that not a lot changes. All women have stories. We do, we all have them, and while mouths open to spout rubbish like “Why now? Why didn’t they say something at the time, funny how it all comes out together isn’t it?” I want to shout from the rooftops that when you […]

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The Power In NOT Having The Last Word!

The Power In NOT Having The Last Word! When speaking with a friend recently, over a dilemma with a tricky situation I found myself in, she gave me some very handy advice that I wanted to pass on. “There’s a great deal of power in NOT having the last word!” Having always felt confident to fight my own corner, and indeed the corner of others when I believe in them, I’ve never had any qualms about being stood up and […]

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How I Really Feel About The Coronation Of King Charles This Weekend!

How I Really Feel About The Coronation Of King Charles This Weekend! There hasn’t been an officially announced budget for the costing of this coming weekend’s coronation of King Charles, and with government refusing to make comment the final figure will never truly be known. We do however, know that it’s likely to be in the region of tens of millions. And the rest. The coronation is, like the funeral of the late Queen, a state occasion. As such it […]

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