Dearest Jimmy – You Are Twelve!

Dearest Jimmy – You Are Twelve! Dearest Jimmy, You are twelve! TWELVE! It doesn’t feel like it could possibly be twelve years since you were born in the living room but here we are and at twelve you are utterly fabulous! Quirky and kind and full of interesting facts! You throw yourself into everything, from sports to learning and we are so super proud of you! You love an argument (maybe not your best trait, but then you are mine) […]

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Dearest Posie – You Are Three!

Dearest Posie – You Are Three! Dearest Posie, Now you are three! The last 3 years have flashed past my eyes in a blink. You are as perfect today as you were the day you were born, in fact, you are more so if that’s humanly possible! You chatter away so beautifully and you seem so much older than three years in so many ways because you are just so bright and full of brilliance. However, we still call you […]

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Dearest Florence – You Are Fourteen!

Dearest Florence – You Are Fourteen! Dearest Florence, You are fourteen! I couldn’t have imagined, fourteen years ago, that this time would go so quickly. I couldn’t have imagined you being a teenager, being so grown up, being my friend as well as my daughter. If felt like you would always be little back then, and though to me you still are, you are also SO grown up. Grandad calls us Edina and Saffy. I think he’s just about right! […]

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Dearest Raffie – You Are SIX!

Dearest Raffie – You Are Six! Dearest Raffie, You are six years old and yet again I’m sat here in bewilderment that another year is passed. Six years ago you didn’t so much as burst into, but took your very long time, arriving into the world but that’s you all over. It took 11 months to find you were growing inside me, which was so unusual as with your big brother and sister it had been far quicker. The same […]

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Dearest Jimmy – You Are Eleven Years Old!

Dearest Jimmy – You Are Eleven Years Old! Dearest Jimmy, You are eleven years old! Eleven?! I say it every year with all of you but how has this happened so quickly. It feels like a moment ago you were in my arms after the most beautiful labour in the living room. I mean, it was hard because you were back to back and came out with your fist up like a little superhero and much damage was done, but… […]

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Dearest Posie, You Are Two Years Old!

Dearest Posie, You Are Two Years Old! Dearest Posie Pops, Ypu are two years old! Two years old in the blink of an eye. Our gorgeous, bright, fabulous baby! You rule this roost, everyone dances to your tune and most importantly, everyone loves you truly, madly, deeply! You are our roots, our bones, our everything and your big sister and brothers adore you, as do we! Posie, you are a magnificent two year old with wit, charm and beauty both […]

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Christmas 2022!

Christmas 2022! We had a lovely, lovely time off despite kicking off with Scarlet Fever for poor little Raffie who tested positive for the Strep A virus and felt pretty dreadful. He soon got better with antibiotics (thank goodness we could get hold of some) and we felt very lucky that he was back to himself before long. We had long days and late nights of having fun with each other. We went out to the theatre and ate good […]

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Dearest Florence – You’re a Teenager Miss 13!

Dearest Florence – You’re a Teenager Miss 13! Dearest Florence, You’re a teenager my little Miss 13 year old and like I say on all birthdays I’m just not sure how this can have happened so quickly. I mean, thirteen? A teenager! Bit much isn’t it, when I know that it was really only just 13 minutes ago you were born, not YEARS surely?! Honestly, when you were born Little Miss Florence Ladybird, it was like life suddenly became in […]

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Friday Night Treat Tea – Birthday Theme!

Friday Night Treat Tea – Birthday Theme! Had to be a birthday theme for this week’s Friday Night Treat Tea with Raffie’s birthday over the weekend – we went into the birthday celebrations in style!

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