Pensthorpe In May 2024!

Pensthorpe In May 2024! Pensthorpe has been one of our favourite places to visit ever since Florence was a baby. It gifts the perfect day out with something g for everyone and Iver the years I’ve seen their offerings just get better and better. The play areas, for a prime example, have transformed in the last 14 years making Pensthorpe potentially one of the most brilliant places to take children in the UK. Be it an indoor romp in Hootz […]

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Should I Go To Butlin’s?!

Should I Go To Butlin’s?! I think the stand out line from my Mum, who delivered lots of brilliant observational gems on our Butlin’s trip, was when she said “Billy Butlin would turn in his grave if he could see what this place looked like now!” Created in 1936, the Butlin’s then, and particularly later on, in the 40s and 50s, would have provided families something of an absolute retreat. Never before having seen anything like it, people holidayed on […]

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How To Camp Better With A Large Family!

How To Camp Better With A Large Family! While we are by no means the experts in the field of camping, I don’t think you have to be to enjoy this absolutely terrific style of family holiday. Is it hard work? Well, yes, in all honesty it is. It’s hard work before you leave, from the planning and packing (playing Jenga in the car more like) and it’s hard work when you’re there (with children at any rate – keeping […]

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Suffolk Yurt Holidays Again!

Suffolk Yurt Holidays Again! After the most glorious weekend at the Suffolk Yurt Holidays site last year, we booked again right away to return. I couldn’t get my birthday weekend for 2023 but as luck would have it my Mother In Law’s 70th fell on a weekend when they did have full site availability so we snapped that up and booked in advance for 2024 as well! And we’ve just got back from that second stay to celebrate my Mother […]

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Summer Holidays 2023 – Week 3!

Summer Holidays 2023 – Week 3! We started the week by getting up bright and early (I’m talking still the middle of the night really) and heading down to Cornwall for 5 days of camping in Polzeath. We had planned August thinking it would be bright and sunny but, alas, the weather in the run up was anything but and we were very worried about it thinking it would be a complete wash out. Luckily the weather turned a little […]

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Activities For Summer With Books2Door!

Activities For Summer With Books2Door! You’ll have seen me in June waxing lyrical about the fab books which came in our Books2Door subscription package for Raffie. The sub is exactly what it says on the tin, books delivered to your door each month, tailored to his age and reading requirements and included are activity books as well as reading and some sheets to be completed on rainy days like colouring and puzzles. It struck me how much he enjoyed the […]

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Know Where You Are In Ibiza!

Know Where You Are In Ibiza! I’d love to say there was a time in my life when I’d wanted to intrepidly explore the world, fly by the seat of my pants and book hotels as and when I arrived at destinations. But it simply wouldn’t be true. While it may seem far cooler, the reason I’d love to be able to “say it”, to appear to others as if I am worldly and educated as a result of my […]

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February Half Term 2023!

February Half Term 2023! HOW are we Half way through the academic year?! Crazy, crazy how time just evaporates isn’t it but here we are with Raffie half way through reception, Florence half way through year 8, Posie having just turned two and our star of the moment Jimmy half way through his final year at primary school. Star of the moment because we found out on the first day of the holidays that he got his place at the […]

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Wroxham Barns Lambing Live For February Half Term 2023!

Wroxham Barns Lambing Live For February Half Term 2023! Wroxham Barns have pulled it out the bag yet again for this half term with a lambing event which saw us get to see a baby lamb actually being born! Now, I can’t guarantee that’s what you’ll get if you pop along for an all inclusive day out by the broads but… I’d say you stand a VERY good chance! Their maternity ewe-nit is filled to the brim with sheep about […]

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Suffolk Yurt Holidays!

Suffolk Yurt Holidays! For my birthday this year I booked exclusive use of the whole site at Suffolk Yurt Holidays in Woodbridge. I’d originally just booked the cottage for us, but when I realised I could book out the 5 yurts in a package alongside the cottage, having it all to ourselves at an extremely reasonable rate, I roped some family and friends in for a party weekend to celebrate turning the big four three! I just thought oh why […]

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