Pensthorpe In May 2024!

Pensthorpe In May 2024! Pensthorpe has been one of our favourite places to visit ever since Florence was a baby. It gifts the perfect day out with something g for everyone and Iver the years I’ve seen their offerings just get better and better. The play areas, for a prime example, have transformed in the last 14 years making Pensthorpe potentially one of the most brilliant places to take children in the UK. Be it an indoor romp in Hootz […]

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Easter At Pensthorpe – 2024!

Easter At Pensthorpe – 2024! Will we be visiting Pensthorpe Natural Park, one of our favourite places this coming Easter holiday?! Well, of course! Pensthorpe has always been a staple in our school holiday calendar (it’s a staple all year round actually) and this coming break is no exception! Pensthorpe is the perfect mix of wholesome, outdoorsy exercise (needed with four children all fuelled with energy to burn) and fun play both inside and out. You absolutely don’t need children […]

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Pensthorpe For February Half Term 2024!

Pensthorpe For February Half Term 2024! We are year round visitors to Pensthorpe taking full advantage of our annual pass which allows us visits even in school holidays! Posie and I regularly trip there during the week to have fun in the daily “messy mornings” held at the indoor play space “Hootz House” (all included in the entry price), followed by fun in the play area, gardens and wonderful playground, but in the school holidays we always like to go […]

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Pensthorpe For Easter 2023!

Pensthorpe For Easter 2023! Having been regular visitors of Pensthorpe ever since we had children we’ve seen many changes at the park. It has always been a wonderful day out for families, but over the years there has been tremendous focus on making it more welcoming and inviting as well as inclusive for all. Not only have the play areas, both inside and out become a real hub, a massive talking point about their brilliance, but activities on offer such […]

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October 2022 At Pensthorpe!

October 2022 At Pensthorpe! We love ALL the seasons at Pensthorpe. The gardens change and move and grow. They become different colours and different places yet one thing is always the same, it’s a calm and beautiful place to be. I like each season for different reasons and have different places I like to walk depending on the weather and at Halloween half term, a time we have always been very fond of a visit in particular, my favourite way […]

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Pensthorpe For Somethign Yummy!

Pensthorpe For Something Yummy! I write often about Pensthorpe Natural Park and the many things we love about our almost weekly visits. Feeding the ducks, walking around the lake, visiting the falingoes (sic -it’s what Jimmy called them so we all do now) and of course the amazing play areas! There is so much to do when on the park that would excite literally all age brackets and the whole family are members because from Gram to Posie there really […]

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Pensthorpe And Poo For February Half Term!

Pensthorpe And Poo For February Half Term! I wouldn’t ordinarily put the words “poo” and “Pensthorpe” together, Pensthorpe Natural Park being the antithesis of poo, however, this half term they’re embracing the plops in a big way! Pensthorpe, always a favourite with not just us, but actually anyone I’ve ever spoken to who’s visited, has geared itself up for the holidays with not one, but TWO trails especially for the school break and the theme? It’s all about poo! What […]

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Pensthorpe Christmas 2021!

Pensthorpe Christmas 2021! What’s on at Pensthorpe Natural Park this festive month? Absolutely tons but it’s no surprise that their Christmas offerings have been VERY popular and are mostly sold out. You can absolutely still soak up the festive lights and ambiance however and a visit, as always, comes highly recommended from me! Pensthorpe really is the most beautiful day out and with a crisp walk around the lake before some major fun on the extensive playground before a warm […]

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Wicked Wildlife At Pensthorpe For October Half Term 2021!

Wicked Wildlife At Pensthorpe For October Half Term 2021! When aren’t I banging on about how brilliant Pensthorpe Natural Park is? I know, we love it! We love the fact it caters for all ages (baby to Gram), we adore the park (inside and out), can’t get enough of the walk ways (with their activities along the way), miss visiting the red squirrels and flamingoes if we haven’t been for a while and when they do pond dipping or we […]

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