Easter At Pensthorpe – 2024!

Will we be visiting Pensthorpe Natural Park, one of our favourite places this coming Easter holiday?! Well, of course! Pensthorpe has always been a staple in our school holiday calendar (it’s a staple all year round actually) and this coming break is no exception!
Pensthorpe is the perfect mix of wholesome, outdoorsy exercise (needed with four children all fuelled with energy to burn) and fun play both inside and out. You absolutely don’t need children to visit, Pensthorpe is, for all ages, a beautiful spot to spend time wandering and admiring the gardens, the lake, natural and captive inhabitants and just be. But if you do have children… Oh well it really does come into its own these days.
The walk around the lake is dotted with interesting games and information, a bug house to peer inside, an other’s home to crawl through, the “pooh stick” river (we’ve named it that as it’s perfect for the game), obstacle courses and more, more, more! Trees to climb and dens to build are also on the cards as you make your way around to perhaps do some pond dipping or see the flamingoes. Each season is beautifully curated by the gardeners and honestly, there’s there’s a dull time to see what’s going on in growth. It’s beautiful, with many areas to wander. We love it!

But, the best bits are saved till last! The playground, “Wild Rootz” is simply stunning. It fits right into the setting being mainly made of wooden structures and yet is thrilling with massive slides, zip wires and more, all with a stream you can play in running through the middle. And that’s not it! There’s an indoor play space, “Hootz House” which is similar (but warm) and caters for all ages too!

Pensthorpe is a brilliant day out, whatever the weather (although if it does rain for one consecutive hour or more, you’re gifted a return pass for another day) and in the school holidays they go all out! Easter being no exception, this year they have on offer the giant egg hunt! From the 24th of March, until the 14th of April, as well as the regular Pensthorpe fun, you can go hunting for giant eggs and as always, they’ve gone a step further than you’d think with this endeavour because the egg hunt visit tickets include Easter crafting too! And the explorer tour is back! We’ve never done this would you believe, so perhaps this Easter we will give the 40 minute off-road tour around parts of Pensthorpe not usually open to visitors a go!

Sounds like a cracking good Easter day out to me!
Day tickets for this Easter at Pensthorpe cost £15.95 for adults and £14.95 for children over 3 and seniors (under 3s are free). Annual tickets (which we have for the whole family from babe to Gram) are £60 for adults and £55 for seniors and children over 3.