I’ve spoken often of my love of the Tiny Love range of toys for children. There’s just something about them and from the very first play gym we bought when Florence was about three months old, to replace the rubbish one she had, I have always gone back to the brand again and again.
They make colourful yet tasteful toys, toys which last for ages and most of all ones which children love and engage with!
We’ve been trying out their new mobile which projects light and patterns onto the ceiling. You might think Jimmy is too old for a mobile now but actually this one is intended from birth to toddler and as soon as I put it in the cot both of the children were fascinated. Florence even declared that she was going to sleep in the cot so that she could use it that night. I have to say that’s a first, Florence has never, not once, slept in a cot for more than a few minutes!
There are three stages to the new Magical Night mobile and night light starting with it being a mobile for the cot and moving on to firstly removing the toys and shade then placing it by the bed with the shade back on to act as a regular night light which still plays music and projects light patterns. We have tried them all but at the moment the children are keen for it to be a proper mobile in the cot so… We’ve gone with that! I’ve actually kept the toys on even though they advise to remove them after 4 months. Jimmy is now 15 months so I don’t think its a problem if he pull them off but were he still around 4 months and I’d stick to the advice.

The mobile has three different types of music that it will play; lullaby, classical or nature sounds with music behind them. There are nine different tunes and you can play it at different volumes. The projector can be used with or without the music and I love that whether you have the canopy on or not, the projector shines things onto the ceiling! With the canopy on and you seen animals moving round on rotation inside the canopy and stars on the ceiling. Once the canopy is removed and everything goes onto the ceiling which we all thought was fantastic!
Now, here is the best bit! Jimmy is a bad sleeper. He hasn’t always been so, when he was first born he slept rather well but once he had Rotovirus and was in hospital with dehydration at 6 months, he has never slept alone since. As soon as we put him in the cot, asleep after rocking and soothing, he wakes up within half an hour. Since we have had the mobile however and he has been using it as a soothing mechanism! My baby is finally learning how to self soothe! We have laid him in the cot after just a bit of soothing, still awake and he has drifted off with the lights and sounds. That is amazing in itself for us but he has slept for over three hours in a row too! That might sound horrendous to most of you but for us its a major break through!
Does he do it every night? No, not yet, but its getting better and better and is 100% helped by the projector. I think they are very soothing and the music, which plays for 30 minutes, isn’t really what Jimmy finds so sleep enhancing, it’s the stars and animals on the ceiling! Wow! I love this mobile!

Tiny Love say:
3 in 1 product:
0-5 months: Musical mobile with overhead canopy projection
5-18 months: Crib music box with ceiling projection
18+ months: Charming starry musical night-lamp
Musical variety: 3 different musical categories with 9 relaxing tunes 30 minutes of continuous music
We say:
Does what its supposed to do as in it actually works! I’ve seen products which promise similar type projections but are actually rather rubbish! I like that this one will turn into a bedside lamp and they can be used to the projections and take them well into toddlerhood! Very impressive!
I have not been paid to write this post but I was sent the mobile for the purpose of review.