A Winter Wonderland Party For Florence Is 13!
Quite why we decided a birthday party two days before Christmas was the ticket is a little beyond me now. In the throes of the organisation, with the load of Christmas creating on top of me, this felt like a very mean feat indeed. However, Florence’s 13th birthday party with a Winter Wonderland theme managed to be tremendous fun and go swimmingly! Thanks mega time to Gram for making another of her amazing cake creations!
She had friends from school, friends from her primary school and pals from London come to join her (which meant my London pals were here too) and with Moore’s Madness doing a grown up party for teenagers the disco was a massive success – Nick really is the best, id never want to organise a party without him securely booked. He just gets it, whatever age, ans ALL the kids LOVED it. I had no doubt they would, you know you can rely on Nick. She enjoyed every second and I, getting a little carried away with my own mates, drank a little too much Prosecco. Still, it was awfully good fun and a lot of hard work paying off!
Here’s how we did it!