Abney and Teal is one of the gentlest and most lovely programmes on CBeebies and when it comes on the television an air of calm takes on in our living room. Both my children, my girly girl of 4 and my boisterous boy of 2, enjoy watching it and I have to say that it’s one of the ones I enjoy myself too.
There’s a new magazine to accompany the programme which is released for the first time today and we’ve been having a sneaky peak in advance and think it’s just as lovely as the television programme!

The magazine has stories and puzzles as well as things to colour in, make and count. There is also a rather lovely reward chart in the centre which can be pulled out and then each day you can try their suggestion of perhaps learning a new song, drawing a picture for someone special or finding something of a certain colour outside. It comes with stickers to put on the chart as you do the tasks. It’s just lovely and even the free gift on the front is very sweet with a little recorder and guitar that actually make sounds. At £2.99 I’d say it’s definitely one of the better magazines we’ve had. Definitely worth a buy!
We were sent a pre copy of the magazine for the purpose of an honest review.