Today is the day that Aldi start their Back to School event!
I know, I knows, it’s still the holidays but hey, it will come round quicker than we know and I’ve been told by all my seasoned pro friends that if you don’t buy uniform now then it will sell out by the time they go back…
For us it’s not back to school as such but the very first time of school ever! In September Florence will begin her school journey in reception class and of course for that she needs a new school uniform. She actually has some uniform that she wore to the nursery on the same site but I want her in pristine new things for the first day of term of course!
I don’t however want to spend a fortune and I definitely need it to be excellent quality and something that will last. Not in the same way that my own Mum bought me a blazer that is STILL too big for me but that it will wash well (she loves to paint) and it won’t fall apart!
Aldi clothes are incredibly inexpensive. Like shockingly so really but with them I know I will get the quality the money doesn’t dictate it will offer!
They have sent me a selection of the uniform and I promise you it is perfect and I am so pleased with it. I couldn’t believe it when I saw the prices and they really are every bit as good as the clothes in M&S! But then their food is of M&S standard too so what would i expect?!
At the moment you can buy all the bits and pieces they will need like pencil cases and work books but keep your eyes peeled for that uniform because once it’s gone its’s gone and you really, really need to be in there to get hold of some! I am very pleased with ours!
Aldi sent me some school uniform for the purpose of an honest review.