Well it’s been a whole week since the summer holidays ended for us and being back to our regular routine has been even harder than I thought. With Jonny working in Norwich all week I am on my own and living the life of a single parent. It just isn’t fun at all. It seems like it’s been a constant round of making food, tidying up, washing, cleaning, making more food, doing more tidying, bed time routines, getting people dressed, more washing, more cleaning, more tidying up… By the evenings I am exhausted and I really take my hat off to anyone who does it all the time because it’s relentless. I made the mistake of telling my Mum (who was a single parent full time from when I was 5) that she just didn’t understand… Of course she absolutely does!
It’s little things like not being able to just pop to the shop or go out in the evenings which is especially hard because I’m used to going out a lot and that’s my break! Most of my work opportunities and invitations happen in the evenings and now I simply can’t do anything without serious planning. I had to have a baby sitter just so that I could attend the school social for an hour and half on Thursday. I’m glad I did though because I got to chat to Florence’s new Miss Pretty who is just as lovely as her old one and I got to catch up with some friends too.
Florence is thrilled to be back at school with the exception of being in the company of one particularly unpleasant little girl who just won’t leave her alone for saying horrid things and aside from that is enjoying year one thoroughly. I’ve spoken to the new Miss Pretty about it and I feel assured it’s being monitored so I’m going to try not to get too upset even though I witnessed some of the nasty on Friday. It was Roald Dhal dress up day and Florence went as Veruca Salt. This girl came up to her, out of her way and as she stood by my side (brazen) she said something to Florence about her costume which wasn’t very nice. Florence’s little face fell so I said very firmly ‘Florence looks lovely’ and marched her away quick smart! And she did look lovely, she looked as lovely as Jimmy looked funny dressed as an Oompa Loompa (which he thought was BRILLIANT)! Jimmy drew a swirly green picture of his wig at nursery and sung the Oompa Loompa song all day! Florence had a fab day too and I know her new Miss Pretty looked after her well. She still misses her old Miss Pretty and has been to see her for a hug every day.

It’s not all been work, work, work for us though. We’ve had lots of fun with friends this weekend going to a BBQ, taking some pictures of new clothes and Florence went to a casting which she was very shy at but it was a great experience. We’ve had a lovely weekend and my friend Denise to thank for most of it! She cooked amazing food on her barbie for us and invited some of my favourite people in the world (she is one too) so thanks Denise. You made the weekend super special!

So… Another week on my own looms ahead and I can honestly say that for the first time I am starting to really look forward to moving back to Norwich… I am beginning to realise that all the people I love so much in Leytonstone will travel to visit me and I will be able to travel and visit them too. It’s been a great place to live but it’s definitely time… We’ll make the most of it before we go though!
Sometimes the nasty bits are the strongest agents validating the reasons life is really worth for. So glad to have you in our lives!! xx