Jimmy got Brio for his second birthday having fallen in love with the ancient set that used to be mine when staying at my Mum’s. My old set was year’s old when I was given it having been bought from a jumble sale by my Grandpa and clearly it is still going strong today so I had no worries when buying a load for Jimmy to celebrate his birthday. He absolutely loved it and it has been a toy he’s never lost interest in; these days he just makes more and more elaborate tracks and we add to it every now and again so that he can do something different.
It’s the sort of toy that everyone likes to buy because it’s wooden, old fashioned and clearly has lastability and Jimmy is never displeased when opening presents that contain extra track or a new train. Neither, it has to be said, is his Daddy! I also rather like it because unlike Lego it’s easy to see when clearing it away and it doesn’t cause murders on the bottoms of your feet if you stand on it. It’s a fab little toy for children there’s no doubt.
Although still fairly old-fashioned in look and appeal, they have modernised it a touch today and the look and feel of the trains are often up to date with real ones. Some of them also come with sounds and buttons to press which is right up Jimmy’s street. I also have to say that while most of the Brio toys are still wooden, a few do have plastic parts which I’m not terribly keen on but which Jimmy seems to think makes them even more special.
We’ve been reviewing one of these modern sets this week as well as an extra train to go with it and Jimmy has been having a blast playing with it on the kitchen floor every afternoon when he comes home early from school. The Firefighter Set has an RRP of £39.99 and to go with it the Rescue Firefighting Train Set costs £19.95.

I didn’t get to take many pictures of Jimmy playing with JUST these sets as the track wasn’t quite big enough to keep him fully entertained when he knows he has a whole box load to add to it in his toy box. When he first had Brio this would have been the perfect starter set but now he makes tracks as big as the living room he needed to combine it and make something really HUGE! He did really like the accessories and LOVED the little train driver figures as well as the fact the train which came with the set has a siren. The other best feature for him is the fireman’s hose which can be wound up on top of the train and then back out again for fighting fires (a litle fire even comes with the set which Jimmy said he is sure is made of jelly because it’s squishy)!

He’s very keen on his little Brio additions and especially so with all the extra trains! You wouldn’t need to buy an extra train to go with this set as the one it comes with is fab but it’s never a bad thing because you can’t have too many trains or too much track! A fab present which wil make any little Brio fan pleased!

We were sent these sets in return for an honest review.