Capture the Magic of Halloween: How to Turn Your Family’s Spooky
Moments into Canvas Art

I take a lot of pictures because I love photography, and though I do post them to my social channels, I also print them out to display the pictures I like best at home. The school holidays are always pivotal moments where I make sure to use my photographs for something I can see on a long term basis, so whether it’s prints (which I have lots of, displayed on a giant photo wall in the stair well up to my loft room), or a photobook (placed on the shelf ready for a trip down memory lane), I’m really good about getting those best shots somewhere they can be seen!
The children love going up the stairs to bed at night (my bed – they all go up there before they hit their own of course) and seeing the photographs of which we have quite a collection now. Some are in frames, some are Canvas Prints and they all mis-match together beautifully showing the children as they’ve grown. I love the summer pictures with smiling faces on beaches of holidays we’ve enjoyed. And the Christmas ones are always really lovely to look back on too. I have a Christmas tradition of the children lying down in their festive jumpers, with elf hats on and it’s great to see how they’ve grown in both age and numbers over the years. Of course, we’ve also a plethora of school first day pictures in front of our door which I far prefer to the stuffy “school photo” pictures taken in front of a screen. In fact, I never buy them from the school ever these days, my own pictures tell all about their actual personalities, have them all together and frankly, I’d rather spend the money on having really great pictures printed with than I would for 12 of the same shot with my kid pulling a face that they don’t usually. A canvas print is so easy to order, do all the hard work for you and the process takes mere minutes (if that) before all you have to do is sit back and wait (and then get them on the wall – this is the most lengthiest part of it for me)!

And we’ve got Halloween coming up, I was about to say “my favourite” school holiday but that wouldn’t be true. I’ve realised I say they are all my favourites because at the time it feels like they are. Really and truly, I just love the kiddos being home whatever the weather but Halloween half term does gift a lot in the colours and light which affords brilliant pictures. The costumes (my children are in something “Halloween” for the whole of October basically), add plenty too and I’ve a fair few “spooky scenes” on my photo wall.
With it’s super easy to take all your lovely pictures and have them made into anything from those canvas prints I love so much, to the calendars I order every year. But they also do so many other wonderful choices for your favourite snaps that you’ll be spoiled for choice. Cushions, blankets, mugs and games make up some of the gifts you can buy for relatives. I also love the photo cubes they do, alongside photo boards and wall hangings. One of my absolute favourite things to order from them is their MIXPIX light foam photo tiles, as they arrive ready to be stuck onto the wall – no hassle and they look GREAT!
I can’t wait to take some more family pictures this coming Halloween. My top tips to getting some fab photos this Halloween would be:
- Utilise the light noting that the golden hour for October is about 4-5pm.
- Use the natural colours of nature. Oranges are abundant in this month and make a staggering backdrop.
- Bring your Halloween costumes with you on days out with the kids, you never know when you’re going to find that perfect place to sit for a pic!
- If you can’t make it to a pumpkin patch, buy a couple of supermarket ones for a garden shoot!
- Buying Halloween clothing and accessories from Vinted will save you a pretty penny.
- Order your pictures to be printed by for a great quality service, with a fast turn-around – I’ve never been disappointed!
