There are just some movies that you will always remember and always want to watch again. For us, at the moment, they seem to be family movies. The ones we saw at the cinema and loved and then NEEDED to see again and again. We went to the premiere of Frozen, I know, lucky! And it has kind of become more than a movie to us over the past year which sounds funny but it’s true. Because we love the songs so much the film comes with us on all our journeys as we have the CD in the car; we’re BIG car singers! Frozen is even going to be shown on Sky Movies this Christmas Day which is VERY exciting, this is a modern classic and Christmas Day seems the perfect time to watch it!

For me movies are often so much more because of the songs. My favourite film of all time is Tootsie starring Dustin Hoffman and the song from it is ‘Might Be You’ by Stephen Bishop. I first watched it when I was 6 years old and the song, the film, the actors… They’ve all meant something to me ever since. Maybe it’s time to sit down with Florence and see what she thinks of it now she’s nearly 5 although I remember encouraging my brothers to watch The Goonies because I love it so and they, over a decade younger than me, just thought it was very dated… Movies are personal I suppose and everyone likes something different. I can’t say my husband and I are particularly movie compatible but he’s good and has watched a lot of rom-com for me over the years.
Another family movie with a massive song to it is of course The Lego Movie. How could I say it’s anything other than AWESOME?! I took the children to the cinema to see it and we have been singing that song ever since! The children loved the movie but Jimmy was a little bit scared meeting the stars at an event we went to recently – perhaps they’re better on screen where they’re going to be again on Sky Movies this Christmas Eve!

What better time is there than Christmas, to sit and watch a movie with the whole family. I hope we’re going to get in LOADS over the holidays, all snuggled up under a blanket together with some popcorn to go with it. Florence’s latest thing is to pull the curtains and turn the lights off to make it like a cinema. I love that and I LOVE that my Mum has Sky so that we can watch all the great things they’re going to be showing!
As well as showing all the movies we want to see Sky are also offering families and movie fans the chance to create their very own movie adventure with their online Christmas Card! The #MovieMe card creator gives you the chance to ‘star’ in a familiar film scene. Choose from Muppets Most Wanted, The Amazing Spider-Man 2, The Lego Movie or Frozen! You upload your own photos to the picture and can add your name to give it a personal touch! I love that you can then share it socially, save the picture and even get a postcard version printed out of it while stocks last!
To get a #MovieMe card of your very own visit www.skymovies.com/movieme and follow the simple step-by-step instructions. We had loads of fun doing ours! We made the Frozen one at the beginning of this post but we got a bit addicted so we made a couple more too!
So Sky Movies have Christmas covered from the cards to the viewing! Brilliant, now, roll on the last day of school and we can really crank the festivities up! Check out what’s on this Christmas below!
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Love Sky movies!