As massive Frozen fans (of course), we were mega excited for the much anticipated new ‘short’, Frozen Fever, which accompanies Disney’s latest blockbuster, Cinderella! Of course we were excited to see Cinderella too but really, if I’m honest, it was second in our priorities when it came to the watching…
Little did we know though that Cinderella would steal out hearts so much that we’d forget we’d even seen Frozen Fever until we were half way home, still smiling about the main feature! Cinderella is absolutely stupendous and I promise you I’m not talking just on behalf of Florence (who of course LOVED it) but also for me too! I enjoyed every single second and believe me, there’s QUITE A LOT on offer for the Mum’s in the form of Prince Charming Guy Candy (bulgy trousered hotties running around on horses, what’s not to like)!
The story is true to the original with Lily James portraying an incredibly pretty Ella, two VERY funny ugly sisters and Cate Blanchett as the wicked step-mother! I knew the story very well, as we all do, and I am familiar with the animated Disney original but I still sat on the edge of my seat willing Ella (who becomes Cinderella) to triumph and with the help of a hilariously cast fairy God Mother in Helena Bonham Carter, of course she does with bells on! Beautiful dresses, a heart tugging story, good overcoming evil in the end and a handsome prince… You don’t get much better than that and I could happily watch this film again and again, which is good as I’m sure I will be doing so – Florence has been singing ‘Lavenders Blue’ ever since we left as well as ‘Bippity Boppity Boo’ which plays at the end and she’s already been googling the songs on her iPad.

We loved it! Oh, and we did, once we came down from our Cinderella high and remembered, totally love the Frozen short too! Frozen Fever is funny and sassy and everything you want from Elsa, Anna and the gang with a great big birthday celebration on top, a giant song and a nod to all the characters we know and love. It’s a great build up to something new from Frozen (we hope) and we can’t wait to see more. For now, we HIGHLY recommend Cinders, take yourself to the ball with her and we bet you’ll love it too!

We were invited to a special screening of Cinderella in return for an honest review.