Last night I tripped into town with a friend to see the London premiere perfromance of Cirque Beserk. Joining us were a whole host of celebrities and as we danced around the flashing cameras of the red carpet, ready for the latest spectacular by famed Zippos Circus, the theatre was a buzz with excitement.
Before the show I had wondered how Zippos could turn their big top bonanza into a west end stage performance and if it would work? The circus is, after all, traditionally performed in tents and a move to theatre seemed like a bit of a departure. Saying that, I’ve seen Zippos perform many times and in many different styles so I guess, like a chameleon, they just change with their surroundings and fit perfectly in. Because they did. and it worked, oh wow! It so worked!
It may have been a big fancy theatre this time around but all the magic of the circus remained with the incredible talent mingling amongst the crowd before and after. The cast of a circus must be the hardest working guys in show biz because they are ticket collectors, merchandise sellers, meeters, greeters and everythig else all before they stand on the stage to perform their often death defying and awe inspiring acts!
And the acts in this curcus ARE pretty darn wonderful. Contortionists, acrobats, knife throwers, jugglers, fire spinners, dancers and the funniest clown I’ve ever seen at a circus – he left the audience in stitches frequently! On top of this there’s a fire wieldiong robot and the piece de resistence from the whole show, the motorbike riders! On stage at all times is a Globe Of Terror which allows motorcycle riders to close each act inside it with hold your breath fear and awe. I looked around me and mouthes were clasped by hands which moved only at the pinnacle of each performance to clap wildly! I think we can say therefore that Cirque Beserk is a massive hit in the capital!
What I love about Zippos in general is that they are very forward thinking, they don’t sit on their laurels waiting for the circus era to pass them by but instead are bringing the circus right up to date and daring the digital age to catch up with them! At the start of the show we are ordered to leave our phones and cameras on, to share away on social media and then we are treated to the feast for our eyes we know we can count on with their team! I love how they can ve terribly dark at times and on other occasions totally light and fluffy! Anyone who’s ever seen them perform in Hyde Park in winter will knonow they seamlessly switch from day time family fodder to night time, adult aimed excess! with this new show they seem to have encorporated a little of everything brilliant about them. The best of their best and their best is wild! They are clear to their roots, there are no pretences, it’s not changed in style but it’s different all the same. You’ll have to go and see it to believe it!
The best bit is that you absolutely don’t have to travel to see the show because its tour has commenced. In London at The Peacock Theatre until the 24th February it moves (EXCACTLY LIKE ME) to Norwich, Southampton, Brent Cross and Manchester before finishing in Edinburgh in March.
I’d love to take the children to see it and as we move to Norwich next week for our new (but old) life in the country and as it’s the next stop on the Zippos tour, it would kind of be rude not to don’t you think?! At least then I could behave like a proper blogger and take some pictures. My camera ran out of battery after I took three tiny videos which just weren’t enough to make into a proper clip… Urgh! You can, however, watch the Cirque Beserk official trailer on YouTube which I have added below!

Check out tour dates and information on how to book tickets here.
I was invited to the premiere performance of Cirque Beserk in return for an honest review.