Since the Clangers re-hit our screens we have become firm fans and luck old us have been part of a reviewing team for the new toy range accompanying the series by Character. A while back we reviewed a soft toy and a selection of the mini figures which we thought were brilliant and more recently we were sent the new Clangers Musical Boat which we have totally fallen in love with as well!

The boat is a solid structure with a swinging mast and it has a button on it which when pressed will play Clangers music. It comes with a Tiny and a Major Clanger figures which click into place on the boat and we especially love that when you raie major Clanger’s arm his telescope reaches his eye to show him looking through it.
The children took this little toy on holiday as it was small enough to fit in my hand luggage and played lots of lovely games with it all the time. Both of them had great fun using their imaginations and making up games for the little figures and their boat.

We think it makes a great little toy to play with anywhere and are now even bigger fans of the Clangers than before. I’ve actually knitted a Clanger myself because the children love them so much. it’s not sewn up yet but as soon as it is I’ll pop it up on the blog and show you all. For now, if you’d like your own little Clanger then we absolutely recommend this range of toys!

We were sent the Clangers Musical Boat for the purpose of an honest review.