Just in case any of you were left wondering just how curmudgeonly this Mummy can be after my last post… I wanted to set your mind at rest and let you know that Barnaby The Bear had a truly spiffing time with us!
Ok, ok, I moaned but I quite got into it in the end (having a competitive streak helps) and Jimmy was thrilled to bits with the activities we got up to with the class puppet, I mean bear!
So… Just to let y’all know that I can be nice really I thought I’d show you what we got up to!
It snowed when he was here and was rather cold, so… I knitted him a scarf and some matching mittens. I know he has fur, I know… But you can never be too cosy now can you!We had a Teddy Bear’s Picnic (indoors of course, snow isn’t conducive to al fresco dining!He went to the cinema!Learned how to spell on the light board, went to Hobby Craft and worked behind the till (of course), came to Tesco (don’t say we don’t do all the fun stuff!), brushed his teeth every morning and night (Barnaby The Bear takes personal hygiene VERY seriously) and went shopping for cake baking supplies! We took Barnaby The Bear’s safety seriously at all times so he got strapped into a car seat when we went out just like his carer for the week!Before it was time to bid him a farewell and take him back to class he helped us make some fairy cakes!Which Jimmy loved making!And then we sent the bear back to school with, well, his face on some cakes for the other children to enjoy!
Seeeeeeee! Told you I wasn’t all bad and all miserable didn’t I!
What WILL we do when the bear comes back for round two?!