Creating Cosy!
Our living room is the cosiest room in the house, it has the fire which is what really creates the invitation to snuggle up together as a family yet regardless, we just don’t sit in there that much. I loved decorating this room and choosing the sofas which I envisaged we would all spend much time on but the reality was that eventually, once everything was in situ, aside from on very cold evenings when the fire did entice us, we just chose to sit in the other downstairs room instead!

The other downstairs room is our garden room. and the interior, by comparison, is rather more modern. We have an exposed brick wall with a neon light (which I LOVE) and our dining table (which is enormous – has to be) is right in the middle. It’s a muddle of a room really with toys on one side as it masquerades as a play room, and a swinging egg chair from the Aldi garden sale on the other ,when it’s not sunny enough for it to be outside. Though I love entertaining around the table with the neon shining away over prosecco corks being popped and a couple of glasses being clinked, it’s not the warm, snuggly room to sit and enjoy a family movie night. It’s actually quite cold in fact however… What takes over, what totally usurps the choice, is that it has the best TV!

Remember in Friends when Joey asks “but what do you point your furniture at?” when realising there is no television? Well, we are exactly the same. We are out often, my kids are by no means subjected to constant screen time but when we are in, the television goes on and that’s how it stays until everyone goes to bed! The hub of our home is the television and choosing the right one doesn’t have to be a massive decision or purchase. TV rentals are by far the easiest thing to do so that you can have the best one possible!
We love to watch television, what can I say? And our cosy, fire warm room with the great sofas (we bought them in Next) and invitation to snuggle just doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to the box! But, we are about to change all that! We’re looking at full HD TVs to make the room perfect and allow us the time in it we should be taking advantage of. Instead of utilitarian seats around the dining table as we watch the best TV in the house that one will become redundant and we can perch in the comfort of the living room instead.

Funny but for us the television really is the focal point of the room because for me, a room has to be practical and not just picture perfect. If I was decorating all over again (and I will do soon when I’ll be decorating on a budget) then I’d so choose differently this time and make better choices all round but I’ll never make the mistake of having the best TV in the room which isn’t the one I want to sit in.
I know some people are sniffy about TV, especially when it comes to kids but I 100% am not one of them and I don’t give a fig who knows it! TV is brilliant and just like a cat makes a home (in my opinion), the constant of a background noise, just something on whether you’re only half watching it or not, is the way I like my house to buzz.
I like, now that I’ve experience, white walls and nothing else, huge, comfy sofas, roaring open fires and a television as good as it possibly can be to sit and watch movies with the kiddos. For me there’s no better place to be than that room!