Dearest My loves,
I was writing to Raffie on the 9th of every month as a way of keeping a diary of his milestones. He turned one and I decided to stop the open letter posts to him and instead, when I feel like it, I will write to all my little loves to keep up with what they are doing and to look back and remember when things were. My blog is nothing if not an invaluable tool for me to refer to when trying to work out dates! The other day even, when we had friends over for supper and I was googling a desert that I knew I’d made in the past but couldn’t remember where the recipe was, I Googled it and up it came on my very own blog! How funny is that! I don’t even remember writing it down but I’m glad I did as when I needed it, there it was!
So… Raffie has just turned 13 months and on the 11th of November he took his first tentative steps. He looks like a very drunk, very unsteady tiny old man and is still using his bum shuffle/leg drag to get most places but he’s on his way! How can my tiny newborn baby be walking eh?! He’s become very vocal and knows how to get his own way and I wouldn’t say is all that good at sharing yet… I think we have all of us just given in to him at every station and he’s learned the world revolves around him… We may have our work cut out for us! He also sings a lot (‘Oh baby’ to the tune of ‘I love you’) and always a happy chappy despite a brush with hand, foot and mouth as well as tonsillitis followed by a stinking cold! He is his usual smiling self most of all the time and charms everyone he meets!

And Jimmy’s lost a front tooth at the top and suddenly looks all grown up! What is the world coming to?! He’s suddenly started to look older which is a little bit of a shock as I am so used to him being a little one. I mean he’s still my curly haired baby of course but there’s something just a little bit sophisticated about Jimmy now which I hadn’t noticed then it was suddenly upon us!

And as for Flobo… Well, she’s been mega busy as she did a whole week in Oliver at the Maddermarket Theatre in Norwich and I’m not sure she’s totally and utterly recovered yet. She’s the only 8 year old I know who parties up the city until gone midnight (cast party) but she so deserved to enjoy and revel in the experience as it was truly amazing! A mega show with a fantastic cast and Florence all a part of it. She’s joined the Norfolk Youth Music Theatre following in my footsteps and I am SO proud. Auditions for The Sound Of Music are coming in January and she’s already preparing with some singing lessons (her fab teacher at school is giving her some private lessons) and working out her audition piece. To say she wants to be in this show is an understatement!
I’ve been trying my best to spend time with Florence and Jimmy on their own and without the baby. My Step Mum told me the trick to three is to make each one feel the favourite from time to time so that’s what I’m doing and Florence and I had a ‘favourite moment’ out for dinner and to the theatre last week which she loved. And so did I!