Dearest Posie – You Are Three!

Dearest Posie,
Now you are three! The last 3 years have flashed past my eyes in a blink. You are as perfect today as you were the day you were born, in fact, you are more so if that’s humanly possible! You chatter away so beautifully and you seem so much older than three years in so many ways because you are just so bright and full of brilliance. However, we still call you the baby because you are a dinky dot and you curl right into us when we cuddle you, just like a little new-born. Your smile is beyond cheeky and adorable and you are so, so good. You just love to entertain us and when I feed you (still) at night, and it’s just you and me, you make me so happy as you want to be nestled into me all night. You love to dance, and sing, and paint and play with play-doh! You adore baking, playing with dollies, going to Gymboree, and ballet, and Wobbel Yoga (or as you call it, Waffle Ogre)! You ask me all the time where Raffie and Jimmy and Florence are and can’t wait to have them home to play with. And when they come home they can’t wait to see you either, the apple of all of our eyes!
Happy birthday baby girlie! Look at all the fun we had celebrating Posie Pamela Honeybee turning three. We’ve spread it out, of course! And we’re following it up with a week at Butlins, well, you only turn three once right?!
We began with a little photo shoot on the 30th of January to celebrate your birthday on the 3rd of February!

And then we went to Pensthorpe on the 31st of January with your friends, or “your babies” as you call them, for a little party day!

Next up was bowling with our gang on your birthday eve!

Before a day of birthday breakfasts, bubble tea, brilliant fun, a meal out and presents on your actual birthday!

And then a day at Wroxham Barns with our family for farm fun and afternoon tea!

And now a week away just you, Gram, me and Raffie is to follow – what a brilliant birthday!