Dearest Raffie – You’re At Big School Now!
Dearest Raffie,
You’re at big school now and after your first day of 2.5 hours settling in you came home having loved it! Mummy on the other hand is rather bereft of your fine company, or, rather, the knowing that I will lack your company far more this week. For the first week you only did four mornings but niw it’s onto full days and the reality of a full day in full weeks, sets in!

This is what you’ve been waiting for though, for, if I’m honest, the whole of the past year! This time last year friends started leaving you behind at nursery and you have talked non stop about the time when you will get to go to Jimmy’s school and join your brother and some of your friends. Every time we went to pick Jimmy up last year it was “I’m coming to this school in September!” and I’ve managed to not think about that too deeply, thinking it to be ages away, only now… It’s here and I’m having to let you go a little bit!
See, the thing is, I love having you at home with me just as I do all of you and the thought of school stealing you away makes my heart beat faster and tears spring at the back of my eyes. You are SUCH great company and I love having you to myself and I know, from having had your big sister and brother start school before you, that I won’t stop feeling that way ever. However, this is what you want so much that I also can’t help but be happy for you!
Four mornings flew by last week and on each morning you say you are happy and confident and really like being there, but I also know you’ve been having those wobbling moments too. You’ve got far more upset about little things like being told off for fighting with your brother, something you usually take on the chin, and have been much more delicate than usual so I guess that tells me you’re missing me a lot too. You cuddled into me one night and looked at me with those big blue eyes of yours and you looked like the baby boy you still really only are. I’ve got you my little sunshine boy, I’ve definitely got you and though you have been at school in the mornings I’ve treated you to lots of fun in the afternoons with beach trips and swimming, as well as a lovely afternoon at our favourite Pensthorpe, park fun and a meal out just you and me! I won’t let these moments stop just because school goes full time now, you are still only 4 and if you’re tired or in need of a Mummy day every now and then, I will decide that’s what’s best for you and keep that beautiful smile of yours grinning away at us at home. Just occasionally!
School life has begun but you will ALWAYS be my baby and I’m going to help you be the best school boy you can be, which is mega! Happy first proper week at school my darling, Mummy will be forever sad that I have to mostly hand you over in the week now but our fun times don’t stop here, they are only just beginning!