- July 8th, 2011
It’s been a week of rain, rain and more rain. Admittedly the sunshine was out at the beginning of the week but unfortunately due to holiday washing and sorting out the masses from the suitcases we didn’t get out much further than quick trips to the park and Tesco. After that the heavens opened and we were left with a few days of wet weather fun, but you know what, it hasn’t actually been that bad just a little disappointing for July and considering this weekend is my birthday weekend and I had not one but two picnics planned it’s just a little untimely! Still, the picnic I went on today was good fun and we ate outside despite the weather! That’s a true Brit for you! I’ve got lots of nice things planned for the weekend too, my Mum is coming from Norfolk and we’re off to see friends in Wimbledon tomorrow. They have a swimming pool so please (fingers crossed) let there be enough sun to warrant a dip, otherwise I may be forced to show my true Britshness again and go in regardless! And tomorrow night, my actual birthday, my Mum’s babysitting so that Jonny and I can go to Bistroteque in Hackney. We’re going for their prix fixe menu including a ticket for the cabaret which is The LipSinkers. I’ve heard particularly good things about this tranny act so I’ll let you know what I thought next week but for now I can’t wait for my birthday treat of dinner and show! Woo…
We started off my birthday celebrations today with a Mummy and baby picnic day out to Discover in Stratford. It was a friend’s birthday also so a few of us and our little ones thought we’d make a day of it and what a lovely day we’ve had too! Discover which is signposted and a five minute walk from Stratford tube station is billed as an interactive story trail for children and yes it is but it’s also so much more than that. Florence and I are really rather regular at Discover these days due to the fact you can join as a member at very reasonable rates and have annual access. We tend to go once every couple of weeks and we’ve not got bored yet which is why I chose it as the venue for today. Knowing they have great things outdoors as well as inside is such a major draw in the summer, you don’t want to be stuck out of the sunshine all day but you still want to do exciting things with your children. Discover has one of the best outdoor play areas in London as far as I’m concerned, with slides and climbing frames and tree houses along with musical instruments in every corner. Everywhere you look there is something new to see, a ladybird on a bench, a table shaped like a beetle with his legs as seats, spy holes, hills to roly poly down, a story telling circle and plenty of space to sit and enjoy the sunshine (If you happen to go on one of our summers brighter days!). There are mirrors everywhere and interesting things to see and touch, it’s a bit like a secret garden and our children loved it today – even in the wet! Florence was of course jumping in and out of muddy puddles in her shoes and thoroughly enjoying it too I hasten to add, it doesn’t have to be sunny to be fun in the Discover garden if you’re a little one!
Inside is just as adventurous and has many different things to see and do. A friend who came today said she’d been a few weeks ago and hadn’t got round lots of it, she didn’t even know about everything there was down stairs. True to its story telling theme there are lots of lovely books to read with your children in lots of interesting and comfy nooks and crannies, they often have authors come in to read and their own staff regularly have a story time for varying ages but it really isn’t just about books and reading them. At Discover it’s about exploring all aspects of story and make believe. I first took Florence when she was about 10 months old and it really captured her imagination and attention then, every time we go she gets something new from it. I often see much older children enjoying every minute of their time there too, a friend’s son is ten and I know he gets thoroughly involved whenever he goes; it’s the sort of place you can take the whole family because it has something for everyone. Even I find myself dancing round in the theatre type room where there are lights on the floor to jump on making a sound and projecting a picture of what’s making the sound on the wall. We like the ethnic instruments and I could jump around in there for hours really having to check and remind myself that I’m 32! There’s also a craft corner where you can decorate a spoon for the wall mural, draw a picture or cut and stick onto one of their templates. With a mirrored shaft you can draw on with special pencils, Florence is in her element – that’s her idea of FANTASTIC! There are dressing up boxes, puppet theatres, buttons to press, tents to sit in, indoor slides, hills with talking boxes, caves with sensory equipment, trip trap bridges and a room down stairs to chill out in. You’d think that’d be your lot! You’d be wrong… For I haven’t even touched on the thing that my daughter thinks is the absolute bees knees about Discover and that’s the Monster exhibition! I don’t know how much I want to say about Monsters cause I kind of think it might be best to experience it without having any sort of idea. I don’t want to ruin the surprise but I will tell you this, you’ll love it, your children will love it and you’ll go back again and again. They have differing exhibitions down stairs from time to time. Before Monsters it was Charlie and Lola’s house which was actually fantastic but not a patch on what’s there today! Monsters will be downstairs for the next year and in my opinion that doesn’t mean you’ve got ample time before you go and see it, it means get in there and enjoy it as much as you possibly can before the year’s up!
One of the things I really like about Discover, aside from the fact that it’s a very affordable, fun and educational trip for the little ones is that they have a café where you can purchase snacks, sandwiches and drinks but they don’t mind one iota if you take your own picnic. It irks me when you can’t eat your own food on certain premises because it makes days out so much more expensive, but here they don’t mind what you do and hooray for them! The staff are great, the atmosphere is magical it doesn’t cost the earth and most importantly it’s good, it’s really, really good!
If you fancy trying out Discover (without meaning to be bossy – you should!) individual prices start from £4.50 but there are various discounts and children under two go free. Annual passes start from as little as £25 and if you pay by Direct Debit you will get an extra two months for free. For more information check out their website and enjoy! (As I think we might again on Sunday cause I’m sure my Mum would love a visit there!)
So, until next week my friends, when I’ll be able to tell you about Pleasure Wood Hills in Suffolk, have a lovely week and let’s hope the sun makes a reappearance! P.S, if you, like me, enjoy reading reviews or even fancy writing a few yourself ,a great place to get started is with my friends at Bizziebaby is a dedicated website to reviewing all things baby. If you want to look something up before you buy then just search their site to read real Mummys opinions plus if you fancy becoming a tester yourself then you can just sign up with them for a mere fiver for annual membership and they’ll send you something to review! How good is that!