Discover Your Learning Style With Simply Academy!

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Discover Your Learning Style With Simply Academy!

Once you discover which type of learning style best suits you, you will find that taking on new skills and learning through study will take on a whole new lease of life. We often think we are “bad” at certain things, I myself have always shied away from maths, finding numbers very hard to digest but according to Simply Academy, this could be a subject that will quite easily become less daunting for me, and easier to absorb information on, once I know my learning style.

It makes sense, we are all wired very differently but that doesn’t mean we should limit ourselves and if a particular knowledge bank is important to you, yet you feel like you’re hitting a brick wall, then Simply Academy have the answers with their exploration of the four core learning styles.


A “Visual” learner, someone like me, needs to see what they are doing. Through charts, diagrams and similar, this proves the key gateway into learning a subject and this could encompass absolutely any subject. You simply just have to know this is how you learn and take with that, the knowledge into everything you’re trying to understand.


Au “Auditory” learner will find listening to lectures, having things explained to them through speech to be the key to understanding what they are learning. Quite differently to those who need to see something physical, this is the ability to absorb best their information when it is spoken to them.


While text books frighten the life out of some of us (me included), for lots this is the way to discovering new potential in education. Perhaps you need to read, to write down and to decipher the code that way. This may seem like a standard practice for learning but if you are stuck in a lecture, and find it hard to concentrate to the listening, have you ever found that once the notes are sent and you get to read the information, you find it so much easier to digest?


A “Kinesthetic” learner will feel most relaxed while learning “on the job”. Gathering practical skills by doing what is needed to learn is how this type of brain works and that’s great. But if you don’t yet know that you are someone who needs to be physically engaged in something before you can work it out, then you may have found yourself stumped in certain situations.


Are you recognising yourself in any of these four core learning styles? I suspect one of them will have made you absolutely nod your head in agreement, you can learn anything you want to put your mind to, it’s all about having the lessons delivered in the way which best suit you. This will be different from everyone and doesn’t make us “bad” at some things just because we haven’t, in the past, been able to understand it in the ways the education has been delivered. With the knowledge of what works best for you, you can go on to do great things.

So, think back to when you know you are at your most receptive when learning new tasks and it will help you decide which type of learner you are, so that in the future you can do everything you can to implement the best style for yourself, tailoring to your own skill set which will open the doors wide for you to sail through them, rather than spending wasted hours, banging on the knocker, trying to get in!

In collaboration with Simply Academy.

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