A couple of weeks ago we were supposed to take part in a Princess Twitter party to celebrate some of the new jewellery from Icon Live and cake making products from Fiddes Payne to co-incide with the new Cinderella film.
As it turned out some delivery issues meant we couldn’t join in on the actual party day but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been very much enjoying the products and using the cake making products Florence had super fun – who doesn’t like a Princess cake?
We were sent a fairy cake making kit with a Princess theme and some gorgeous Cinderella jewellery as well as a Cinderella and Frozen quiz. The new film has Frozen Fever, a new Disney short, preceding it and let’s face it, no Disney Princess party would be complete if it didn’t have a Frozen element! We loved the film and the short and you can read our review of it here. We did rather well in the quiz too, there’s not a lot about Frozen we don’t know and since falling in love with the new film we’re rather swatted up on facts for that too!

The cake making kit, decorations and squeezie icing bag were very easy to use and Florence was able to do most of it on her own.
As for the jewellery, well, what little girl wouldn’t like it? Florence really would like the wedding dress that Cinderella wears and was thrilled with the jewellery in particular the bracelet with a glass slipper charm and the gorgeous charm necklace which is just a little bit special and more for an older girl. Great prices well under a tenner and fab quality too. Perfect for a really Princessy afternoon!

We were sent the products mentioned in this post for the purpose of an honest review.