The last time we went to see Dinsey On Ice we went entirely unprepared. I had no idea that as soon as we got off the tube we would see swarms of little Princesses all dressed up like their favourite Disney character and that Florence would feel incredibly left out if she was the only one without a costume on! We loved it anyway, the show was jaw droppingly good and so very exciting but she remembered about the dress and as soon as she heard that we were going to see it again, this time for the 100 Years of Magic show, she reminded me that she simply had to be in a Princess dress this time around.
We stayed in Norwich with my Mum for Christmas and usually on the drive home we feel very blue and wish we were staying but coming back from Christmas and New Year this time meant going to see Disney On Ice as soon as we touched in London and that made the sting of the holidays being over much easier to take. Jonny dropped us off at the tube and we made our way to the o2 in much excitement.
We met a friend on the way and both girls, dressed to the nines (I had warned my pal) were literally bouncing up and down with excitement and not at all feeling left out in the throngs with all the other little girls and their dresses!
After a LONG queue to get tickets (it is always this way at the o2 no matter what you go to see) we took our amazing seats with a front view of the ice rink and waited for the magic to happen. I have to say I hate all the merchandising and £10 for a bag of popcorn is RIDICULOUS but thankfully there wasn’t a hard sell at all and I made it clear to Florence that we wouldn’t be buying anything there but would go for a treat on the cable car and to McDonalds after which I think is a FAR better use of money. So, merchandising aside the show was, as expected, totally brilliant and thoroughly magical.

I kind of never wanted to buy into the Disney thing, I’m not sure why but I just didn’t think it was all that much cop and then… Florence liked what she liked and ever since we went to Disney Land Paris when she was just 20 months old has been a total fan which kind of made me one too. We loved Disney Land Paris and naturally the Princess movies are favourites with of course ‘Frozen’ being top of the charts!
Florence had seen the adverts for Dinsey On Ice over Christmas and knew we were going so excitement had been building. The advert was for the next show actually, not the one we went to see and was advertising that Elsa and Anna are coming… They weren’t in this show however but despite that fact and despite sometimes when you expect something to be amazing it doesn’t live up to expectations, this really did! We loved it and we can’t imagine any little Dinsey fan wouldn’t. Florence isn’t a big fan of what she calls ‘Boys Disney’ with the non Princessy characters (she actually made Jonny leave the cinema when they went to see ‘Planes’) but when you’re watching it on ice you can’t fail to love all of it! Boys and girls, Mum’s and Dad’s, Grandparents and even just a big group of older ladies who were there on their own without any children, I didn’t see a single face that wasn’t smiling from ear to ear!
After the show we took the girls on a ride on the Emirates Cable Car before a little visit to McDonald’s… Well, if you’re having a treat day you might as well go all out! We had a thoroughly brilliant day and it was the perfect way to come home from the holidays too!

We were sent complimentary tickets to see the show in return for an honest review.