I’ve entitled this post Easter Holiday Fun but actually, for half of it we were quite poorly. The big kids had sickness bugs and Jonny too while I had Norovirus. I’m not sure if we all had Norovirus really but I definitely came out the worst and for the first half of the holiday I was pretty much bed bound. It wasn’t much fun and Jonny, who had taken the week off work (typically), was having to do most of the childcare. Luckily my lovely Mum stepped in and helped too but it didn’t make for a happy first half of the break. I like to be busy and doing things at all times and though I’d made the decision to have a bit of a rest and not do quite as much as we usually do, I hadn’t banked on that! The second half of the holiday was much better and despite bad weather we did have fun but nothing was as we’d planned and we definitely feel cheated of time with Daddy!
Oh well, you win some and lose some I guess and I think the children all still had lots of fun in the end and that’s all that matters. Back to school now and looking forward to the next which will hopefully have more sunshine and less bugs – here’s hoping!
Here’s some of our Easter holiday highlights!