Easy Knitted Square Easter Bunnies!

I often like to share an easy peasy seasonal knit and have a few on the blog if you search but this one is the easiest I’ve ever known. All you have to do is be able to knit a square!
You will need:
Knitting needles, a darning needle, a pair of scissors, yarn (chunky and fluffy is best for the bunny body) in two colours and a fork!

How to make:
After you have knitted a square, (I knitted mine using chunky wool, 4mm needles and cast on 16 stitches). Knit 20 rows (knit a row in knit/garter stich, pearl the next row in pearl stitch – if you want a nice neat edge knit the last stitch in each pearl row too). Cast off knit wise. Then to make the bunny ears and bunny head it’s simply a matter of doing a running stitch in a triangle to then pull through like a draw string and fold the fabric into shape.

You will create the bunny ears and face using your darning needle to draw thread through like a drawer string. This is SO easy, yet looks like you’ve knitted a complicated pattern!

The face needs to be filled, you can do this with any odds and ends of the wool if you don’t have any stuffing and then you will need to sew up behind the ears!

Continue sewing up down the body of the bunny until the end. Don’t worry about weaving the thread in, you will use this to attach the tail.

To make the tail use a fork, some more wool and make a simple pompom (it’s very easy, you pop a length of thread through the middle prongs, then wind a longer thread around and around before tying it up the middle with the initial length you left dangling. Slip it off the fork and snip up each side to create the pompom.

You can sew a little nose on now. I do a small criss cross and go straight through the back of the bunny head. Once you’ve snipped the ends off they will work inside the bunny and you don’t need to tie!

Now you can stuff Cadbury’s Creme Eggs up the bunny bottoms for an Easter treat!

Aren’t they cute!
These are really cute Ruth. I’m definitely going to have a try.