Very Easy How To Knit Baby Booties!

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Very Easy How To Knit Baby Booties!

I love to knit but am not particularly good at following complicated patterns and instead prefer simple, easy to do projects that I don’t have to constantly be on YouTube for to find out how the next bit is done… I also like a really quick end result and knitting something small like baby booties gives just that while still being impressive and a really lovely gift for someone expecting a baby.

To make these baby booties not only warm and comfortable but also full of unique personality and love, you can add some well-designed Custom Patches to the shoes. You can design some symbolic patterns on the patches, and choose cute icons representing the baby’s zodiac or constellation. 

These patterns are not only childlike but also become a little guardian angel on the baby’s growth path. In addition, you can also add the baby’s name or auspicious words on the patch to make this gift more exclusive. Such a precious gift full of heart and creativity can make the person who receives it feel your meticulous care and deep blessings for the new life.

Lots of baby bootie patterns are over complicated and require more sewing up than I would ideally choose but this pattern, which I found somewhere I can’t remember and think I have changed slightly over time, is brilliant because you knit one small piece, fold it over and sew it together. Each bootie takes me about 45 minutes to knit (I’m not particularly fast) and then a further few minutes to sew up as it’s simply folded in half and then sewn up around the edge only. I like how the top part of the sock is ribbed which looks very impressive but is actually extremely simple. That’s how I see it – extremely simple. There are various complicated patterns for children’s clothes that I try to avoid, as either it takes a lot of time and experience which I don’t have. Therefore, I will share with you my method of knitting simple baby booties. Looking for some warm clothing for yourself? Check out Luci’s winter capsule wardrobe article.

Knitting Baby Booties

Here is my step by step guide for knitting newborn booties which I have done in pink for this post but of course, could be any colour.

You will need one ball of soft yarn and 4mm knitting needles.

You need to know how to cast on, cast off, knit two together, knit stictch (garter) and pearl stitch. If you are unsure on any of those things then a quick google for a YouTube tutorial will help.

1) Cast on 34 stitches leaving a long thread at the end.

2) Knit (garter stitch) 14 rows.

3) Knit two together at the beginning of the next two rows.

Leaves 32 stitches

4) Cast off the first three stitches at the beginning of the next two rows.

Leaves 26 stitches


5) Starting with knit stitch knit two, pearl two for the next 14 rows. The second rown starts with pearl, the third row starts with knit and so on.

6) Cast off leaving a long thread at the end.

7) Fold over so that the two halves match each side.

Knitting 1

8) Begin sewing up around the edge using the threads from casting on and off before finishing off by weaving the left over yarn from each point into the bootie.

9) Turn inside out so that the right side is visible.

Knitting Bootie 1

10) Turn down the top part of the sock and your booties are finished.

Knitting Baby Booties 1


20 thoughts on “Very Easy How To Knit Baby Booties!

  1. I need to know how to knit a bootie using a loom and very basic instructions. I’m just learning and don’t know how to read the patterns.

  2. Thank you
    Beginning knitter but I have made a pair of socks.
    The patterns for easy booties were difficult for me. Yours is the easiest. The family has twins coming and another baby so I needed something easy and quick!
    This is !!!
    Thanks again

    1. Ah I’m so pleased. I’ve a couple of really easy patterns for things like mini Christmas stockings, or Easter bunnies (they are just one square). That’s the extent of my own really but one blogger I always follow, for easy to knit baby cardigans, is Marianna’s lazy days. Mostly free patterns that are easy to follow and come together really easily. Congratulations on the twins! x

  3. Hello, I am beginning knitter and like your easy bootie pattern. However I want to do for size 0-6 month baby so can please let me know how many stitches I need to cast on and how I decrease them to get a shape.
    Also can I add ribbon as a decoration on finished bootie. Thank you

  4. Thanks for this! With the 4mm knitting needles, what specific type of soft yarn can i use?

    thank you

  5. Question: When I knit 2 together, do I cast that off as one stitch then cast 2 more in the first 2 rows?

    1. Only if the pattern tells you to. K2tog means knit two together, if there’s nothing after that then leave it there.

  6. This is exactly what I’m looking for, simplicity. Can I use normal DK wool with the 4mm needles? Thank you in advance.

    1. So sorry, I’d have to really look at it again and trial and error, but if you work out how many stitches do an inch with your tension and knit outwards and upwards by that it should be just about ok?

  7. Hello! Thank you for this pattern! Using it to knit slippers for the dolls in my preschool classroom 🙂

    Is there a mistake in row 18? I’m finding that I’m left with 29 sts, not 26 as the pattern shows

    Frogged and redid but happened again?

  8. Hello! Is there a mistake in the 2nd step? It says to knit 14 rows, which is twice as many rows as pictured. I knitted 14 rows and it’s created about 3 inches vertically, which seems like way too much. Please let me know if I’m misunderstanding!

  9. EASY to knit. Just followed the directions. Came out perfectly.
    I am not good at sewing things together, but I like this pattern and will make more

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