Well we made it, we survived the first half term of big school and we’re out the other side smiling. My girl went from happy and confident to utterly miserable then back to being her happy self again. That’s a lot to happen in a few short weeks and to say we’ve had ups and downs is an understatement.
I have found it incredibly hard watching my baby not happy yet having to take her in to school anyway and we are all much relieved that this is no longer the case. I now feel totally happy about school as does she (well aside from missing her and wishing it didn’t have to be every day – that’s both of us too) and Florence is enjoying it so much. According to Miss Pretty at parent’s evening she is also excelling in all her work, makes friends easily (and has lots of them), does everything that is asked of her first time and is very sensible to boot as well as being cute. I love that the teacher said that! It is lovely knowing that your child is all these things but it is even more special that someone else thinks them too and I couldn’t be a prouder Mummy. The best thing Florence said today was as we walked past another school and as she looked at it she said to me ‘I’m glad I don’t go there because then I wouldn’t have lovely Miss Pretty and lovely Mr Foxy and lovely Miss Blondie (the TA)’, she loves all her teachers and knowing she goes in to be with people she really genuinely likes is awesome! She has overcome her fears and deserves special spoiling this half term holiday!
While Florence’s behaviour may be exemplary, Jimmy has well and truly hit the terrible twos! And terrible twos mixed with BOY are a whole lot different to the way we experience this stage first time around. He is pushing all his boundaries but in a very physical way which is exhausting. He, like Florence, is very bright and I’m sure a lot of it is frustration because he can’t do the things he wants to. His favourite thing to say at the moment is ‘it’s not fair’ which has come from having an older sibling and a lot sooner than I expected… We will get there.
Anyway, it’s the holidays, we had a brilliant end to school before them with the high of parent’s evening and now it’s on to the fun stuff! We’ve LOADS planned! Theatre at Polka, Willows Farm for Pumpkin Picking, a trip to Norfolk to see my Mum (Daddy’s taken the week off too), a day out at Pensthorpe Nature Reserve, another at our favourite BeWILDerwood for the lantern parade and lots of Halloween treats! I didn’t do a Friday Night Treat Tea yesterday as was out all day but next week we are having a really spooky one before we play apple bobbing and go on a Halloween hunt!
Here are some of my favourite pictures from the week just behind us. Now it’s on to WOOOOHOOOO the holidays, lazy days, getting up and dressed late (Jimmy willing) and lots and lots of time together!