One of my favourite things about summer is having a BBQ! I am absolutely, well and truly, super duper-ly and over the top-ly INTO BBQs!
My Mum and husband will testify that it doesn’t take a hint of sunshine for me to insist the coals get lit, it simply only needs the BBQ food choices being presented at the supermarket. We have been known to even BBQ under an umbrella and then eat huddled up in the warm by the fire… We have EVEN be known to BBQ towards winter time when I eek out the last of the BBQ food I have squirreled away in the freezer.
BBQ food just does it for me and I’m afraid it is my Achilles heel when it comes to becoming a vegetarian. I could probably forgo the Sunday roasts and bacon sarnies but NOT a summer BBQ with ribs and burgers and… my ultimate favourite, hot and spicy chicken wings from Sainsbury’s! Don’t get me wrong, I love vegetarian BBQ food as well and a halloumi and chestnut mushroom kebab hits some great spots but… I do need the meat too I’m afraid…
We don’t actually have a garden ourselves… We currently live in a flat in East London and it does rather scupper my BBQ obsession. Because of this we travel to my Mum’s in the summer. A lot! She has a lovely big garden and to boot, a massive chest freezer where I make sure I stock up for the winter. Seriously, I AM a BBQ squirrel! And as I mentioned, my favourite thing for the past few years has been Sainsbury’s hot and spicy chicken wings. Unfortunately we ran out of supplies some time in around November and this year, well… this year, so far, they don’t have them on the shelves but… Because the rest of the BBQ food IS on sale and I’m not even going to THINK about the prospect of a summer without BBQ’s, we decided to get summer started anyway!
We loaded up the trolley in Sainsbury’s with a slightly dry eye at the lack of wings and soon forgot all about chicken as we BBQ’d up an absolute storm!
Was it good weather? No, not really… But then it’s a bit like deciding the right time to have a baby; you’d never have ‘enough money’ or ‘the right space’ and if you only had children when you did have those things then the population seriously might die out… If we waited for a sunny day then we’d be waiting for forever and I personally am NOT going to assist the BBQ extinction!

I do love Sainsbury’s BBQ range in general and as well as quite a few bits from there we picked up some Taste The Difference burgers, salady bits, chicken and some yummy drinks. My favourite accompaniment to a BBQ has to be a jacket potato so we of course picked up some of them – Taste The Difference Vivaldi potatoes are the best, no contest and they don’t even need butter on them because they’re naturally buttery and creamy on their own – taste them to believe them! I like to microwave for a bit, oven for a bit and then finish up on the BBQ, thrice cooked jacket potatoes if you will – Heston eat your BBQ heart out!
We had a lovely first BBQ of the season – well, it’s a first for the summer season anyway! We may have had a couple in early spring too…

BBQ’s are brilliant fun for the whole family as well as being utterly delicious. Even when you charcoal something to within an inch of its life it can still taste good from the Barbie! My top criteria for a BBQ is to only use real coals, it just doesn’t taste the same from a gas one, to buy the best ingredients possible like the range from Sainsbury’s and to ALWAYS have a glass of wine to go with it!
Let’s get summer started then! More BBQ’s please… And fingers crossed Sainsbury’s will have my chicken wings back at some point this year!
I was sent some vouchers to buy BBQ food for this post.