Time really does fly when you’re having fun doesn’t it. I can’t quite believe that today is the last day of the holidays and tomorrow we will be back in the school swing. I feel just as I did as a child, a bit miffed and a bit blue… We’ve had such a gorgeous week, getting up when we want, wearing what we like and just pootling about not doing much on some days while we filled others with fun!
We’ve been to the farm, a nature reserve and our absolute favourite ever, BeWILDERwood which was totally awesome for Halloween with the lantern parade at the end of the day. I’m gutted this place closes for the winter as we will miss it until it opens again next year. If you’re looking for a Christmas present for someone then tickets (even better the super affordable yearly tickets) would be ideal in my opinion. BeWILDerwood is in Norfolk but believe me, it’s worth a journey!

Being Halloween we have also enjoyed getting festive and dressing up. Jimmy wore (once) his spider costume which Florence wore when she was nearly 1, 2 and 3 and he wore last year and this (best value costume ever). He wasn’t mega keen and I didn’t get a picture but he did spend a lot of time in the tights and vest! Florence, like last year, spent a good part of most days in her witches outfit! We ate Halloween themed food, played board games, watched films together and decorated pumpkins – the children drew on their designs and I calved them out.

It has been a brilliant week – look!
Later on this afternoon (when we’re back in London – hate leaving my Mum’s – where we’ve been most of the week) we are going to the premiere of ‘Nativity 3’ which should make the going home a little easier but we’re none of us wanting to go back to school tomorrow… Roll on Christmas or failing that, a nice juicy snow day where school is closed! The weather is so warm it’s not looking likely though is it!