Halloween Half Term 2019!
Another lovely holiday away from school has been had and it’s back to earth with a bump for us now as poor little Raffie is the first down in what I can only assume will be a domino run of vommageddon… Still, at least it didn’t happen in half term!
We had the most brilliant time, the first in which we’ve had Jonny home, although he did have to study for a lot of it and we spent most of our time with friends. A wedding with our Leytonstone lot kicked it off for the grown ups while Florence and Jimmy starred in the Norfolk Youth Music Theatre’s production of ‘The Vackees’ at The Garage in Norwich. I saw it earlier in the week and was beyond proud of them! That all followed with family fun of days out and fabulous Halloween fun all before Halloween actually came because Norfolk is clearly strange and did the holiday a week too soon – So… While half the country ARE on half term in the right week we will cuddle up on the sick bay stripey sofa and look back on our pictures of a brilliant school holiday!

Ahhhh, missing the fun already!