We go in for Halloween in our house. I know traditionally it’s a bit of an American holiday and us boring Brits like to shut our curtains and pretend we’re not in to the trick or treaters but we love it and Florence has always had such fun at this time of year.
We always do a ‘Halloween hunt’ like an Easter Egg hunt and play games like Apple Bobbing while (of course) dressed up in our Halloween costumes! I reckon I’ll squeeze Jimmy into his spider from last year (which was actually Florence’s when she was tiny) but suspect Florence will want something new for the occasion. I never spend very much money on either the costumes or the treats but we do like to decorate the house and make it all very festive.
I usually go to Aldi for most things, the pumpkins and ingredients for something yummy and even all the bits and bobs to decorate and go hunting for come from there because of the excellent value! I’ll be re-using some of the things I bought there last year but this year they have some fab new things for sale and we’ve been having a go already with some of them!

The lights, would you believe, are just £4.99 and they come WITH batteries! Now that’s a bit of a bargain isn’t it and the window stickers are brilliant because they are jellyfied and peel off leaving no residue whatsoever! Aldi also have lots of lovely novelty things which we can search for in our hunt but of course not everything has to be chocolate or sweet based when it comes to those treats. I love that Aldi have a big pack of miniature playdoh pots (all in Halloween colours) that can be dotted around WITH the chocolate in our case just to break it up a bit. Florence and Jimmy are going to love them!

And if you’re still stuck for fun Halloween ideas then just take a look at Aldi’s ideas for some Halloween fun on their website!
We were sent some Halloween products from Aldi in return for an honest review.