It’s 9am on New year’s Day 2019 and I haven’t felt this clear headed on this date in about 9 years… I think the last alcohol free new year’s for me was the year Florence was born at twenty to midnight not leaving much time for boozing. This year I don’t have any exciting reasons other than being a bit boring perhaps?! In my defence we had the most sick bug fuelled Christmas ever and it hasn’t left us much feeling like even food let alone a glass of bubbly!
It started with Raffie on the 22nd and moved its way through the family like a sniper! By the time evening came on Christmas Day Raffie was still down with it and Florence, Jimmy and I had also succumbed. Boxing Day took Jonny and my Mum out and we’ve none of us felt quite right since… What a shame… All the effort that goes into Christmas not to mention the money and then it was a complete wash out really. We had to throw away so much food it’s made me feel twitchy and the house is an absolute tip because no one much feels like tidying away all the toys either…
Nevertheless I’ve enjoyed having my babies off and the whole season has been wonderful (bar the sick) meaning we’ve made lots of memories with friends and family and that’s what it’s all about after all!
My girl also turned 9 yesterday which blows my mind! I simply can’t believe it was 9 years ago that my life got so good. I feel incredibly lucky to have my babies, all of them, and this girl of mine, the one who made me a Mummy, is growing up to be such an awesome person in every way. What struck me about her yesterday was how happy she is and how carefully she read all the words in her cards before opening presents delicately and with importance taking time to pour over each one and thank the gifter with animation. She is wise beyond her years and just the kindest soul. I am SO proud of her. Here’s our best bits from Christmas and Florence’s birthday 2018 and moving forward we want more of the same thank you very much!
Our 1st of December picture to mark the start of the festivities!So much theatre fun was had by us including panto and west end productions. This was The Keeper’s Daughter’s production of A Christmas Carol at Biddy’s Tea room and it was fab!Florence also played Scrooge in her school play where she took the lead and was AMAZING!We had lots of lovely days out with friends – this is us with Katy from Modern Mummy at the London Transport Museum!And with our lovely pals from Mummy Endeavours at Willows Farm!We took my oldest friend’s children out for a festive time at Time and Tide in Great Yarmouth – love this gang!Raffie was dressed in a LOT of novelty clothing!As were the big two to be fair!But mainly Raffie… I mean if you can’t when they’re babies when can you?!What can I say… I’m a fan of the Christmas jumper! And the rest!I spoke on BBC Radio Norfolk in the first of hopefully many parenting chats with Sophie Little!Raffie created the game of pull all the books off the book shelf – in a Christmas jumper of course!Jimmy got a LOT of sickness bugs – three including the one we ALL got over Christmas!My Mum came out with us a LOT! Even thought she really wanted to just sit at home because she’s wonderful!We made Clemencello!And a hand made wreath and declared after not properly decorating until very last minute that we will start everything earlier next year!We went low key on the decs because… Well, this picture sums up what happened every second of every day with the tree!Jonny and I celebrated being together for 18 years! This was us celebrating a few days early as our date is Christmas Eve and we’d never give that evening up now that we have children as it’s the most exciting of the year – when you don’t have a sickness bug that is!We were so excited to break up for Christmas!Lazy days and fun was in order!But within days a sickness bug had crept into our house… I think ultimately it was soft play that gave us the lurg!Christmas Eve was fun despite Raffie being poorly! The big two loved the excitement and I had some Prosecco! It was a fun evening!Two out of three babes feeling poorly by this point on Christmas Day – they’re troopers and smiled for the camera regardless! It’s all the blog kid training! Ha!Our faces say happy but actually the sickness was really taking hold as we sat down for our Christmas lunch… Oh I am so upset that all the food got wasted!My Mum is such a trooper – don’t know what I’d have done without her helping through all the puking!We finally felt able to go out and do something on the 28th but tensions were frayed and tempers short so Jonny and I argued and we all came home a bit annoyed! Still, we had some sea air in Cromer at least!And the next day we managed to get out and about properly visiting Horsey to see the seals and then a quick visit to Time and Tide in Great yarmouth as daddy hadn’t been before. Florence and jimmy loved climbing on this bunker!And for once at Christmas time we didn’t feel akin to the seals and their rotund shape as food hasn’t been consumed in portions that match our body weights!Jonny finally got to see his family and the cousins got to play. The initial Boxing Day plan had to be postponed due to sickness bug gate!And then it was this gorgeous girl’s birthday! How is she 9?!We had a slow day, cancelling our NYE evening plans with friends due to Raffie still not being quite well and us all being exhausted. It was the perfect way to spend her birthday and swimming took up the bones of the day!Followed by Wagamamma for late lunch!Where we had a shop bought cake (no one had energy to make one but my Mum will make one of her marvellous creations for the party next weekend)!And came home to do presents and games! My girl is so deserving of all the lovely things she got yesterday, she works so hard, is a good kind person always and makes me so proud! I couldn’t beam more when thinking about what a beaut she is! And now she’s nine! NINE!Every year on their birthdays I have my picture taken with them to the minute they were born. This is me and Florence to the minute that she turned 9 last night at twenty to midnight on NYE! The best NY present anyone could ever wish for and the present gets better every year! What a girl!
Ultimately it wasn’t the best Christmas because having a domino of sickness doesn’t make for perfection but it was with all the best people and I am thankful for every single one of them! My clever, kind and hard working girl Florence. My gorgeous baby Raffie who makes us laugh every day and who has just started walking, isn’t he amazing! My funny, bright, wonderful boy Jimmy who I find it impossible to stay annoyed with even when he NEVER makes the toilet when he’s sick – he makes up for that with his genius! My husband Jonny who has put up with me for 18 years and who loves us all in such a strong way. And my Mum Pam, she is one in a million and we adore being with her!
Happy New Year from the Rocknrollerbabies – who have many plans for 2019!
My favourite picture of us at Horsey the other day!