I am really, very, extra specially lucky with my friends. I have some absolutely stunning ones and one of them is called Carly. I stalked her at my antenatal class because I knew instantly that I wanted her to be my friend and luckily, she didn’t mind too much, took pity on me and friends we became. Even in the beginning, when all we’d done was have a coffee and a chat, we were good friends. It’s somehow sometimes like that isn’t it, you just click with people and fall in love with them from the off.
It’s been a long friendship now really, well, five years anyway and over time I have seen her become one of the strongest and most admirable people I know. I’ve watched in awe as she has dealt with things, that I would have failed at miserably, with the most grace you could imagine. She is flipping wonderful and I don’t just love her but I love her children too. They are like family to us and always will be.
This evening last year she was about to give birth to a beautiful perfect little baby boy called Faren. A long waited for second child. But he didn’t come without drama unfortunately and he didn’t come without worry. An awful lot of worry. He was ten whole weeks earlier than expected. This time last year I was googling ‘good outcomes of babies born at 30 weeks gestation’ because Carly had sent me texts asking for positive stories, she needed to know some. I have to say, although I did find what she needed to hear, it wasn’t terribly easy…
When she text me very early the next morning to say he was here, along with the story that went with the birth which is something I still find hard to imagine, I prayed. Because, even not religious me could see what else was there to do? He was very tiny and very poorly back then. However, thank goodness, he got better and by 6 weeks old he was out of hospital and home where he belongs!

Despite all the odds, some very scary moments and a year which has seen them revisit hospital more than they would like. Tomorrow, Faren turns one. He is perfect, he is beautiful AND he is HUGE! Most importantly, he is here and he is healthy and I want to take this opportunity to say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GLORIOUS BOY! We all love you very much and Carly, you are amazing (and hey look, if anyone else is googling good outcomes of babies born at 30 weeks gestation then I guess they might find this)! xxxx

I hope they find this as inspiration because my god you need some hope when they come that tiny!!! I can’t think of a more perfect birthday gift! Thank you for this most wonderful post Ruth. We love you!!!!! Xxxxxx
Oh my, I’m a proud sobbing sister and auntie! So proud of my little sis Carly, so amazed by the wonderfulness of both of her babies, so incredibly glad to have that chunky little man in all our lives and so, so glad that Carly is blessed with fantastic, kind, thoughtful friends to look after her through happy and sad when I’m too far away. Thanks for that, lovely Ruth.xxx
So proud of my niece and of course Faren xx
My cousin is the strongest mummy I’ve met to see her baby that tiny and not know what was round the corner, I’m a very proud cousin and it’s so nice to watch faren grow so big, I wish him a very happy 1st birthday love you all xxx
I love this. It tells it how it really is…that Carly is an amazing person, friend, mum, and all the other things she is. But also, how bloody miraculous that chubby little chubster Faren is xx