Hey Teacher!

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Hey Teacher!

It’s the summer holidays, finally! And teachers can finally breathe a sigh of relief after all the hard work put into the year that went before, pausing only slightly for breath while they gear up for the next year. and this summer they are celebrating safe in the knowledge that their demonstrations worked and at long last they have the pay, or nearly the pay, they so deserve! We firmly stood behind the teacher’s strikes in our household, no surprises there with Jonny being a teacher, and we know how hard they work but… Sometimes you do have to take the Mickey…

We used to laugh that Jonny would end up wearing elbow patches and brown jackets once he bacame a teacher, as if all sense of fashion and style would go out with the waste paper basket at the side of the class room. We were very tongue in cheek and exactly as the guys at teachersgram are with their teacher and pupil related clobber!

If you’re a teacher and looking for an item of clothing that screams what you do for a living then a t shirt teacher style is what you need! Choosing shirts for teachers has never been easier than at teachersgram, and let’s just say, we’ve come a long way from the brown jacket/elbow pad combo!

While we’re at it, what else do all good teachers need when it comes to the style stakes? Think practicality and usefulness as well as looking your best and I think you’ll find yourself landing with a bag. Something to put all the pens and books in is the way teachers roll but what makes good teacher bags?

Well, I asked my husband and he said lots of compartments is always a good start, a darker colour if you’re like him and something which you can fit the kitchen sink in! Good call!

We don’t think about teachers as much as we should, they do a great job and work so hard, they definitely deserve to feel and look their best!

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