I remember when my sister was a baby (there’s a big gap between us) and I handed her to Jonny fully expecting him to be able to hold her, you know, properly… It was a bit weird then when he held her straight out in front of him, both arms stretched out. He was carrying her like she was some sort of bomb that he needed to get rid of as soon as possible and I suppose, in a way, he was right…
It was a few years down the line before I insisted on having a baby myself so he escaped a while longer happily not knowing how to hold a baby, but of course, his time came! He kind of got used to it after Florence was born and worked out his way yet it didn’t stop him dropping Jimmy as soon as he came out! ‘Catch the baby’ the midwife said as I gave into one final contraction and my beautiful boy was born to the world. Jonny caught and immediately let go… Thankfully coming down the birth canal was probably more traumatic and he won’t remember…
This little funny below is from Music Magpie and for anyone who doesn’t know properly how to hold a baby… Calling all the blokes then!

In association with Music Magpie.