One of the things I’m going to miss about living in London is that I won’t be so close to an IKEA. We are moving to Norwich where they have just opened up a new style store which is great but I’m not sure it will quite fulfill my IKEA needs.
The good thing is that it is going to sell all the ‘bits’ from the market area of the store and these are the things I mostly go to shop for. I don’t seem to be able to come home without a photo frame or some freezer clips and as for the foodie bits, well! Where would we be if we couldn’t get hold of the alphabet biscuits, heart shaped chocolate cream buscuits and a good supply of IKEA meat balls?!
The thing is, right now we make a day of it. Sad as that sounds the children love it and we go so that they can have those favourite meat balls for lunch then have a play in the free creche while we shop. It’s the most brilliant shopping experience and ever since I’ve learned to drive I’ve been able to just go whenever I feel like it and pop in willy nilly. Jonny doesn’t seem to share my love of the IKEA shopping experience so I always had to persuade him and since getting my license the children and I are free to go when we like.
The new Norwich store, unfortunately, won’t be the same. There will be the ‘bits’ like I mentioned and we can order big things to store. There will also be a cafe to go to… But… No creche and no big store to peruse all the rooms decorated perfectly to give me ideas. Will I get to notice the new things as easily like the fancy dress costumes which are new in and brilliant?!
It won’t be the same but at least it is there and I don’t have to go IKEA cold turkey altogether… Hopefully too they will realise they need a proper store in Norfolk and build one pronto.
Talking of turkey, that reminds me of Christmas and it is IKEA that I have always gone to for my wrapping paper. It drives Jonny bonkers that I can’t just buy it in the super market but the IKEA stuff is so beautiful and so inexpensive and it’s my little tradition now. All the Christmas stuff is now in store and although I haven’t yet fully decided on my paper for this year I did have a little IKEA Christmas hul the other day when I visited and I picked up some festive pieces mainly from the lighted variety. I Instagrammed the pictures of my purchases but I love them so much I wanted to show you on the blog too.
Here’s what I bought on my most recent visits!

There’s loads more I have seen to buy which means I must go back soon. I want the ginger bread house which comes in pieces to put together (I’d be uselss at making my own), a mini real Christmas tree for the children to decorate, another star lamp and maybe one of the ones which hangs down too, lots more strings of lights and of course the wrapping paper! Plus, in about a week the big bag of meatballs I bougth will be gone too as the children are absolutely LOVING them!

I love the star on a stand, had seen similar ones that are a lot more expensive! i now need an Ikea fix ;))
I know! IKEA is awesome huh! 🙂
Some great decorations!
Thanks Pam. IKEA has some brilliant stuff this year, I’ll be back for more before the season it out! 😉
I love Ikea too at Christmas! You can always find something useful and its usually such great value too
It really is. I just love waking around it even if I don’t buy anything – although that never happens obviously! 😉
Love the angel lights. We are lucky to have an Ikea store in the next town which has everything I need & I do go there once a month just for bits ‘n’ bobs.
Me too. It’s great isn’t it and I LOVE the creche facility as the children don’t get bored! Such a shame that my new local store won’t have one as it will just be selling the small pieces and is a small store… 🙁
We love IKEA so much! But it’s dangerous! My mummy always spends too much in there! Nice round-up x #WinChristmas #Santaslittlehelpers x
Thank you Baby Isabella, this Mummy always spends a bit too much too! :-/
Some great bits there, I love the star light.
I’ve never been to IKEA but I’ve only ever heard great things about it so I’ll need to take a trip there one day.
I love those lights, so pretty!!
I wish I could enjoy the IKEA experience but it always takes so much more time than I have so I dread the idea of going and then can’t drag myself away.
Come with me Emily and I’ll shpw you the way to enjoy IEA! First stop is dropping the children in the creche! 😉
Those Christmas molds are brilliant, I’ve got lots of marzipan fans in my house and I always like to make some sweet treats to take to the Christmas Eve meal that we always have together as a family, all 16 of us that go! xx
That sounds awesome. I hadn’t thought of using them with marzipan to be honest but what an idea! 🙂
I love the angels they are stunning 🙂
I love the paper star – I really want to get one for our living room this year.
I also have an ikea addiction I can only go once every 2-3 months though as I end up buying loads of stuff – I never come home empty handed and I am addicted to the swedish fish sweets they sell!
I detest haul posts genuinely, but being on your lovely blog Ruth I knew it would be an exception. I too love IKEA, our one has a park outside too so thankfully Miss T also loves going. I need to pop in to get some Christmas bits and will be nabbing a star light for sure. How cute is that!!
Ah thanks Kelly. There’s a park outside ours too, we go to Edmonton, is that the same as you? I went back this week and picked up even more pieces. Think I might be a bit addicted! 😉
Ohh I’m so gutted I didn’t see the Ikea angel led lights this afternoon. They’re so pretty.
Laura x
Lovely items wish we had an ikea closer to us
Great Post, will have to go check out their christmas stuff! 🙂