This week has been rather interesting what with being given the green light to write a blog review and then as soon as it was done being shouted down for being honest and saying less than glowing things about the product! I’ve been just about threatened with legal action (but of course I’d done nothing wrong) and accused of slander by someone else too! I found that most amusing as the person in question actually meant libel, not that I am guilty of either but I took great delight in pointing out their lesser understanding of the English Language!
Anyway, that aside and this week has been about the gym for me with a trip there every single day. I am absolutely shattered but it’s working so I’m fuelled up and ready to keep it up! My tummy is actually looking a bit more like it used to and my arms are definitely less wobbly. I’ve even been asked for swimming tips in the sauna because someone thought my technique was really good. Feeling very proud of myself and I won’t deny it! I decided a while ago that I was beginning to let myself go and made a decision to not leave the house without make-up any more and it made me feel so much better, now the gym is adding to it!
The children have been having a fantastic time with elves and Christmas fun! We have our version of elves on the shelf back for December. My Mum made them last year after I’d had a sudden ‘we need home-made elves’ moment and she did them in a couple of evenings. We love them and they’re called Lily and Tasha. They’ve been up to high jinks and bringing goodies which Florence and Jimmy think is totally amazing!

And of course we are having lots of chocolate in the mornings as we can’t just be normal people and have ONE chocolate advent calendar each… Florence and Jimmy’s Grannie and Papa bought them Lindt advent calendars and the chocolate is HUGE, literally the best chocolate calendars ever. My Mum buys them something a little bit different every year and this year it’s a Christmas tree with magnetic decorations to apply every day. She bought them a chocolate coin to have each with every one put on the tree so it’s chocolate over load every morning. Oh well, it’s only one month!

Florence asks every day how many sleeps until her party, how many to Christmas and how many to her actual birthday! SUCH an exciting month ahead. I’ve pretty much sorted everything for the ‘Frozen Ball’ but I just need to find a good solution for the food for the grown ups. My friend did pulled pork at her party in a slow cooker and it was brilliant, how can I compete?
So the Christmas count down is on, we are loving it and practically ALL our days are booked up! I BLOODY love it!

So that’s us for another week and as I sit in my living room with a warm heart drinking a Friday night glass of vino I’d just like to thank all the lovely ones who have contacted me to say they are behind me 100% this week. You know who you are and it’s WELL appreciated! THANK YOU!