I’ve written before about Aldi and how much I am beginning to love this brand. The more I see of it the more there is to love and what started out in my mind as a little supermarket which only sold continental meats and biscuits has grown into a real contender for the bigger supermarket. They do actually sell continental meats and unusual biscuits with a German style to them but they also sell pretty much everything else as it happens – something which has happened gradually as they increased their stock but now they’re definitely up there with the big boys!
My Mum has long been a fan and is in her closest one practically every day. She’s lucky, and one very close so can take advantage of all the special fresh produce offers and unbeatable prices for, well, practically everything really! We’ve used Aldi nappies when we visit her as she keeps a stock at her house and have always found them to be very good. The past month however and we have also been using them at home. We don’t live near an Aldi like my Mum and rarely make a special trip. I think that might be about to change as we are currently involved in a couple of Aldi challenges and are liking them so much I just think it might be worth driving to our closest store as the savings AND lest we forget the quality are worth the journey I think!
We were offered a nappy challenge by Aldi, to use no other brand for the whole of June to see what we thought! It’s one thing using any old nappy once or twice or for a weekend but to use one brand of nappy for a whole month and they have to be pretty darn good! I’m SO not up for getting up in the middle of the night just to change a wet nappy and cheaper brands tend not to work over night so I was a little nervous about taking it on but… I wa happily surprised to see that Mamia nappies stood up to a 12 hour wet shift admirably! Not a peep from Jimmy, well, not for his nappy to be changed anyway!
Jimmy has been comfortable and dry and able to move around freely in these nappies, absolutely no difference whatsoever to some of the premium brands we have tried… Oh, except one major one! The PRICE! Even when other brands are on the best offers these ones are cheaper… Seriously! Nappies are so expensive but there is no need to spend that much! These ones are superb and they look kind of cute too! Every feature you want in a nappy has been though of so they have soft elasticated legs, tabs which are easy to use and they are slim. They also work so what more could you ask?

I was sent a months supply of Aldi nappies for the purpose of this review. We ave used them extensively and all over the place. My findings are that I will now be buying Aldi nappies whenever I am able to because I see no reason why I would want to spend any extra money when these do the job perfectly well thank you very much! My next Aldi challenge is to try their whole range for a whole week and use everything from washing up liquid to food… Bring it on!
I was not paid to write this post but was sent the nappies for the purpose of review.
I love aldi too
I agree, so much cheaper and just as good!