Japanese Clothing Is All The Rage!
Japanese style clothing is all the rage these days. We even have festivals in London dedicated to everything Japan and the tickets sell like hot cakes, not JUST for the fashion, but it does play a massive part (alongside the food of course)!

It’s easy to see why really with the signature style being sleek and so very definitely Japanese. You couldn’t mistake it. And with Japanese home style shops popping up all over the UK, it’s naturally going to be led by fashion in the clothing that we wear. Japanese t shirts are a good place to start if you’re not terribly confident with fashion choices but know that you like this style! A t shirt can be very versatile and is easy for anyone to pull off!

The Japanese tank tops trend might be best reserved for those of us who are pretty confident in what we wear already but hey, if you think it’s a piece of you then why not go for it?! A tank top is clearly a bold choice but I like it and it reminds me of 80s fashion with teen movies like “The Goonies” which can only be a good thing!