As far as my family is concerned the height of any celebration is always a meal at Pizza Express. Both children choose to go for their birthdays every year and when we make a visit at any other time it is always met with great squeals of delight. They love it! They absolutely enjoy every element of being in the restaurant which treats them enough like children that they are kept entertained with stickers, colouring and puzzles on the menu but which also treats them like people with valid needs and likes. Their food is equally as yummy as the grown up meals and small touches like the bambinoccino at the end of the meal show them they are just as important as their parents when it comes to this restaurant experience and why shouldn’t they be? When Mummy and Daddy are having coffee the children get their mini cup with frothy milk and despite it just being frothy milk, it’s almost the highlight for my two!

Because of the continued dedication that Pizza Express deliver to making their restaurant experience a real family affair, I belive it’s one of the best places to dine out with the kids. And because of this, Katy from Modern Mummy and I have created a project where we intend to spread the #PizzaexpressFamily love and show everyone how fabulous a family meal in their restaurants are! Just because we have children it doesn’t mean we don’t want to go out and eat and because we have children we want to do this WITH our little ones in tow where we don’t feel embarrassed if they chat, cry or make lots of noise, where we all get to eat food that we love and where we all go home with massive smiles on our faces.
Joining us in the #PizzaExpressFamily project are twelve other like minded bloggers and each of them will be writing a review of their local restaurant in the coming days so that you can see Pizza Express is faultless in their family welcome throughout the UK. If you love Pizza Express with your family in Brighton then you’ll love it in Cornwall, Hemel, Norwich, London… Wherever you are and let’s face it, what’s not to love?! And now they’ve just launched their new summer menu too so with even more delights on offer how can you resist?!
We’d also like to invite YOU to join the #PizzaExpressFamily and we have a number of things coming up on scial media which mean you can get involved and maybe even win some yummy Pizza Express prizes! But before I tell you about all of that, let me introduce you to our blogging #PizzaExpressFamily!
First up is Donna from What The Red Head Said, a straight talking Mummy of two who will be dining with her children and husband at Pizza Express in Camberley, Kara from ChelseaMamma who’s taking her family to the branch in Bournemouth and Carolynne from Mummy Endeavours will be stopping by to dine in Watford with her twins, teen and tweenager. Next up we have Jacinta from Jacintaz3 taking her brood to Richmond and We also have another Kara who comes to join us from her blog Innocent Charms Chats. Kara will be taking her three children including Grayson who travels by wheels as he is disabledd and will be able to let us know how well Pizza Express cope with their needs of extra space and care. Heading up the family in Essex and London are Jo from Sit Still Monkeys with her husband and two boys and Emily of Family Four Fun fame who’ll be enjoying supper with her family of pre-schoolers to high schoolers. Sabina from Deep In Mummy Matters has already visited her local Stamford restaurant and written an amazing review after their yummy sounding meal and Lizzie from Missie Lizzie, Me And My Shadow can tell us all about her experiences in Gluten free dining at Pizza Express, Milton Keynes. Jining them also is Danielle from Blog By Baby who has teens to toddlers that need accommodating in Witney, My Life Unexpected’s Laura and her family who enjoy lots of healthy eating and Hannah from Make Do And Push who is braving the dine out with a babe in arms as well as a toddler. Oh and then there’s Katy who’s going to take her girls for a school breaks up treat in Haselmere and me! I’ll be taking the fam to one of our favourite branches in Norwich!
And now onto the YOU and YOUR family!
How’d you lke to win some very yummy Pizza Express prizes so that you can enjoy some family meal time yourself? Well, watch this space because you absolutely can. We will be hosting a Twitter party on the 31st March from 2-330pm and all we want you to do is join in the conversation, tell us what you love about Pizza Express, your best tips for dining out with the family and use our hashtag to show you’re on board, #PizzaExpressFamily! Follow the hashtag from now because we will also be bringing you another very exciting competiton in a few days, lots of lovely reviews, more information about THAT Twitter party and a very real party that we’ll be covering direct from Pizza Express in Westfield’s Stratford City. For now though, consider yourself well and truly invited!
Go on, join the #PizzaExpressFamily! You know you want to like a doughball wants garlic butter!
I am so excited to be a part of this! We loved our meal and the post will be online tomorrow 🙂 x