Last Day Of Summer Term 2019!
Well, it’s the last day, we’ve made it to the finish line and I couldn’t be letting out a bigger PHEW! I need those babes of mine home for 6 weeks and they need it to! They worked mega hard this year and deserve ALL the praise – their school reports were astounding!

The reports:
Jimmy got mainly ‘exceeding the national average’ with a few ‘working at national standard’ and aside from in P.E and Art (where is ‘usually’ tries hard) he ALWAYS TRIES HARD and ‘usually demonstrates’ the achools 7 wonders of learning (the notion of that whole element makes me want to put my fingers in my mouth)! – From his teacher: Jimmy where to start, you always come to school and bound through the door with enthusiasm for the days learning…
- He has an amazing sense of humour
- A naturally inquisitive nature
- Vast knowledge of the world around him
- A flair for numbers and maths
- You make amazing models and constructions
And his lovely teacher said lots of other terribly gorgeous things but she said she is proud of him and will miss him – isn’t that head and shoulders above anything else!
Florence got all ‘exceeding the national average’ aside from in computing and modern foreign languages (where she was away for the test actually) and she got ‘working at national standard’. Across the board she ALWAYS TRIES HARD and always demonstrates her schools 7 wonders of learning (GAG)! – From her teacher: Florence you have had an absolutely great year, you always work extremely hard and complete your work to a high standard…
- She is a highly mature and emotionally intelligent child
- Her confidence to attack new challenges is fantastic
- She has a very strong work ethos
- She always listens attentively and make very good contributions to carpet time
- She was fantastic in the school play
And again, the words which make me the most prod are that her teacher also said ‘You are a lovely girl who is very kind to others and polite to all members of staff. It has been an absolute delight and pleasure to teach you. We could not ask for more!
And as for Raffie… Well what would his report say at the end of the academic year I wonder? He loves Shaun the Sheep, he is very demanding of the T.V remote to watch Shaun the Sheep. He’s mastered not only walking but running too, he is very independent and head strong, he has everyone wrapped around his little finger. He says little but makes himself known… He knows we all (big kids totally and utterly) are devoted to him and he rules the flipping roost!
Well… Academic year from Sept 2018 to July 2019 it’s over and out. Florence starts year 5 in September and Jimmy year 3. I’m really confused because I swear they were Raffie’s age just moments ago! But first we have the whole summer to enjoy – BRING IT ON!