Love Struck Smoothies!
When Florence started high school last year we had a few teething issues when it came to making sure she’d had breakfast. The new early routine, coupled with the fact she’s like me and doesn’t feel hungry first thing, meant she very often went off to school without having anything to eat and it worried me. Eventually we got into a groove of giving her a little pocket money so that she could buy a pastry or some fruit from the refectory at school and this works well for the most part but as the year moved on, and as commitments stepped up, her early morning starts were taken over by dance practices and sporting meets meaning she had little time to grab herself some breakfast on occasion. Not good!
I had a big think about what I could do to make sure she had at least something to keep her going all morning and in light of her not wanting to eat food early I came up with the idea of a smoothie. So, every morning for the last few months that’s the first thing I do before anything else every day. I make Florence a smoothie so that she can drink it while she gets ready and then, if she doesn’t have a chance to grab something later on, at least she’s had the goodness of fruit!

It’s not hard, obviously, but it is quite costly and time consuming when using fresh fruit so I soon saw reason to buy bags of pre-cut, frozen fruits and I’d add a little yogurt, honey, turmeric sometimes? Maybe a little fresh ginger? I don’t really know what I’m doing but would just add what I could and most of the time she likes it. She likes it ALL of the time however, when we use the Love Struck Smoothie bags instead, which are pre-packed with everything you need for one smoothie and also kept in the freezer. They can be a little more exciting in their ingredients as they know what they’re doing (unlike me) and flavour blend with herbs and different fruits in a way I wouldn’t think of perhaps?

They require no preparation whatsoever and literally go from frozen to fresh in a jiffy. We use the little sister to the Nutribullet, the Magic Bullet which is the perfect size for a solo smoothie. Each bag, which is fully recyclable, has a recipe on the back advising what you can add liquid wise and then that’s it. I like to something add a little more apple juice or coconut water to make it do two glasses or keep it very slushy like and sometimes add less than the instruction. Florence calls it the perfect smoothie when it’s thick and slushy-esque so that’s the consistency I try to aim for!

Pop everything into the Nutribullet cup and whiszz it up – we have a few different cups so that you can make a smoothie in advance as they keep for a few days in the fridge after you’ve made them!

They are a very sustainable company in general and pride themselves on their efforts. As well as the recyclable sachets containing the smoothie ingredients which are 100%v plant based, the delivery boxes are made from recycled materials with 100% recyclable insulation and their ingredients come from ethical supply chains. They say they’re always working on more ways (and there are more ways they already implement with recycled materials for their marketing materials and cups, lids and straws too) to make the business greener!

Now, I’m absolutely going to say that you can prepare a smoothie yourself instead. I’m also going to say that you could prepare your own little bags in advance too if you wanted to save money. You can do this on the cheap for sure but, just like recipe boxes such as Hello Fresh, this is buying a bit of ease isn’t it. I do love a bit of Hello Fresh or Gousto for exactly that reason and though I can’t afford to have them all the time I absolutely do order them to make life a little easier from time to time and I see these sachets with the same sort of principle!

You pick a bundle (as well as fruit smoothies they do veggie ones or a mix of both), you can choose to buy 14 or 24 and each pack is priced between £2.10 and £2.50. You can also choose shakes which are priced at £2.50, cocktail mixes at £3.50 or soups at £1.95 – good eh! I had a fruit bundle and went pretty safe on flavours but now that we’ve tried them, I’ll be a bit more adventurous next time!

They each have different properties and are good for different things – smoothies for detoxing or energy etc. The shakes look up my street too as a way of getting some goodness into the kiddos! Full of good stuff all round and so easy to make!
When it comes to delivery (FREE on all orders) I have to say the package was pretty impressive with a dry ice system keeping everything frozen. It was really quite exciting opening it up and the freezer has felt packed ever since. We’ve loved trying them and absolutely will be customers again – with no nasties it’s easy to see why you’d get love struck over Love Struck!

Thumbs up from us!
Working in partnership with Love Struck.