Magic Adventures With LeapFrog’s Binocular Camera!

Magic Adventures With LeapFrog’s Binocular Camera!

This time last week we were on a magical adventure with LeapFrog where by they invited us to Woburn Safari Park to try out their Binocular Camera in the best place absolutely possible, on safari! What a treat! The little ones were gifted their very own pairs each and we were whisked off to see the lions, tigers and bears up close and personal on a VIP tour where we went off road and got to visit the animals in a way we’ve never before seen! All with our binocular cameras to get even closer, and to take pictures to remember our visit!

The children thought this was absolutely wonderful (so did we) and we were bowled over by the whole experience which was only enhanced by such fun and brilliant tech! You can take up to 100 pictures of your own using the set, or you can add to them by putting in an SD card (not included) and more than this, with 340 ore-programmed images and videos by the BBC onto the unit, you can learn about nature simply by having a play at home (there’s also games – Raffie says it’s very important to tell you about the brilliant games)! On top of that, you can even use them at night time because they come with a night vision capability – we thought this would be brilliant for nature walks as the nights draw in and spotting foxes on urban safari trails near to where we live!

LeapFrog never do cease to amaze me with how brilliant they are and from the infant toys, right through to the Magical Adventure range aimed and all ages, they have education at the forefront of their mind’s eye when developing their tech and software. Always colourful and engaging, without exception easy to use and yet it is always standard that the products are of excellent quality!

To say we are keen on these is an understatement, they’ve been in use ever since!

Thanks for having us on your team LeapFrog, what a tremendously special experience we have had!


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