Michelmas Term 2024 – Part 1!
Seems like 2 minutes ago we were going “back to school” from the summer and now we’re already half way throigh the first term. Madness! The big kids obviously broke up a week earlier than Raffie and Jonny (much to their chagrin) but now we are officially on the Halloween Half Term!
Florence picked up a prize for her drama at prize giving, got the lead in the school play (Antigone), and has been working great guns all half term. She thoroughly deserves a rest!
Jimmy got chosen to play in the A team for rugby and is loving it. He’s battling between wanting extra rugby training meaning he’d have to give up football because he can’t be in two places at once. I think we all know rugby will win, he absolutely loves it and is LOVING upper 4 too!
Raffie is having much better time in Year 2 already than he did in Year 1. He seems so happy and relaxed, something he never was last year and it’s so good to see him working so hard, especially at maths! He’s also lost his teo front teeth!
Posie began old nursery but in a new setting on the school site and she loves it. It feels rather grown up taking her to school and leaving her there too. I don’t like it very much at all and relish our days together even more!
Now, onto the Halloween fun!
Here’s what we got up to this first half of the term!