Mom’s Guide to Postpartum Skin Radiance

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Mom’s Guide to Postpartum Skin Radiance

It can take some time for your skin to bounce back after pregnancy. From dark melasma patches across your face to pregnancy acne, these common skin issues will mostly resolve themselves during your postpartum period. However, ongoing skin issues may require more dedicated care. 

Thanks to the many hormonal changes your body experiences during pregnancy and the role your body plays during breastfeeding, it is essential to note that your favourite skincare products may not be practical or safe to use during your postpartum journey. Exploring new products from trusted brands, like Vida Glow, can help you build a sustainable and effective skincare routine. 

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Common Postpartum Skin Issues

It is safe to say that your body and skin experience a lot during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum. Fluctuating hormones, minimal sleep, and general stress and anxiety can culminate in poor skin health. While the texture and appearance of your skin may be less than ideal after childbirth, most problems will resolve themselves with time and TLC. 


You may have thought acne skin was left behind in your teenage years, but it is unavoidable during your postpartum journey. During pregnancy, your sebaceous glands start to work overtime. 

These glands are responsible for producing an oily wax called sebum, which keeps your skin moist. The overproduction of sebum often leads to clogged pores, resulting in unwanted acne breakouts. 

Support your skin by using a mild cleanser twice a day, rinsing your face with warm water, refraining from picking or squeezing any blemish that could lead to scarring, and consulting your doctor for advice on safe products to try. 

Dry Skin

Hormonal changes during pregnancy can leave your skin dry and flaky. Maintaining a consistent moisturising routine will support your skin’s revival if these issues continue after childbirth. 

This routine should include gentle cleansing, using a non-soap cleanser only once a day, moisturising after showers and before bed, drinking plenty of water throughout the day, protecting your skin from harsh sun rays with a high-SPF sunscreen, and using a humidifier. Furthermore, experts advise skipping long and hot baths, which will strip your skin of its natural oils, and opting for shorter soaks in warm water instead. 

Oily Skin

Your beaming complexion during pregnancy is a familiar glow most women tend to enjoy, but it is actually the result of increased hormones, which stimulate the oil-producing glands in the skin. If oily skin is less than ideal after birth, including a gentle cleanser twice a day into your daily skincare routine is non-negotiable. 

Additionally, you should choose to use oil-free moisturisers and cosmetic products to avoid further irritation and clogging of your pores. You should also regularly clean your makeup brushes and sponges, which are notorious for hiding bacteria that will only exacerbate your skin issues. If your issues continue, consult a dermatologist who can build an effective plan specific to your skin needs. 

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Skincare Must-Haves

Postpartum mums have a lot to deal with in the early days after birth, so keeping their skincare routine simple and manageable is an absolute must. The good news is that incorporating a small number of high-quality products into your daily routine can deliver excellent results with minimum work. 

A gentle cleanser used twice daily will keep your pores clear and wash away dead skin cells, keeping your complexion soft and clean. Vitamin C, which is safe to use during pregnancy and while breastfeeding, is a fantastic antioxidant that brightens the skin and protects it from sun damage.

Sunscreen should be non-negotiable for anyone, including mums. It will help prevent melasma, a common skin issue among pregnant women due to a rise in hormone levels, and will protect the skin against harmful skin damage and deadly skin cancer. Find a baby-friendly product to start protecting your baby’s skin right away. 

Finally, fragrance-free, gel-based products like moisturisers and sunscreens keep your skin well-hydrated without clogging pores. It is particularly beneficial for those prone to acne who are traditionally instructed to avoid creams, lotions, and oils. 

Things to Avoid

Many medications are safe to use during pregnancy, including most topical products. However, while most products can be used well into your postpartum journey, there are two main products that pregnant and breastfeeding mums should avoid. 

Any option containing retinol should be avoided. Many healthcare professionals advise against skincare products that contain it due to its potential risks to your baby. All retinol and vitamin A derivatives should be avoided until you are done breastfeeding. In addition, exfoliating acids like glycolic and lactic acid can be harsh and uncomfortable on extra-sensitive pregnancy skin.

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Extra Skincare Tips

A practical and sustainable skincare routine should be used in conjunction with healthy daily habits that work together to keep your skin healthy and happy. These habits include staying out of the sun when it is most intense or, at minimum, using a high SPF, broad-spectrum sunscreen that protects against UVA and UVB rays. 

Additionally, you should aim to use gentle cleaners at least twice a day, eat a wide range of nutrient-rich foods like fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, and ensure you drink plenty of water every day.

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