Florence has always been very crafty and even before she turned one I can remember her sitting and sticking on her own very engrossed in what she was doing. It was no surprise then, that when we went to an event for Save The children’s Christmas Jumper campaign, that she was totally interested in knitting. She finds it a little hard to do with needles because her hands are so small but she loves to do finger knitting and knitting on a loom and for her age of just five she’s pretty flipping good at it it too!
For some reason I hadn’t thought about introducing her to sewing but when My Studio Girl sent us one of their children’s sewing packs for an Easter treat it dawned on me that this is another crafty task Florence could totally do with end results that she likes as with knitting and that it might indeed be a tad easier. The kit we were sent included everything we would need to sew a cat onesie for a little dolly (who comes supplied) and a pair of pants to dress her in to practice sewing with first as well as a hair piece which sticks on using Velcro.
The instructions were good with lots of information about different stitches although blanket is the only one needed for this pack and it was fairly easy to teach Florence how to do it although fiddly because you have to have the thread so long in order to get around the whole onesie. Still, Florence grasped it and had the whole thing done, on her own with only me holding the onesie for her as she went, in around an hour. She thoroughly enjoyed the experience of sewing and loves that she gets a little toy at the end of it. I feel incredibly proud of her.

The sets are aimed at girls aged 6+ but Florence is only 5 and a quarter and managed no worries. I think if you have a crafty little one on your hands then these kits are lovely. You just need a bit of time and patience.
We were sent a My Studio Girl kit for the purpose of an honest review.